- The HHR is a five-passenger tall-wagon styled to look like the postwar Chevrolet Suburban, a hot rodder favorite today. 的的HHR是一款五座高大旅行车风格就像战后雪佛兰郊区,一个热点rodder最喜爱的今天。
- Outside the florists, Obama delighted onlookers waiting behind yellow police tape by stopping to shake hands before getting back in his Chevrolet Suburban. 但车队刚走了两分钟,又停了下来。因为奥巴马看到一群小学生排着队站在路边,正为他的意外到来开心地叫喊着,这让他不由地再次下车与孩子们见面。
- Separately, GM is recalling 27,188 2009 model year Cadillac Escalades (all models) Chevrolet Suburbans, Tahoes, Avalanches and Colorados and GMC Yukons, Yukon XLs and Canyons. 此外,通用汽车公司将召回271882009年凯迪拉克Escalades(所有型号)雪佛兰Suburbans,Tahoes,雪崩和科罗拉多和GMCYukons,育空xls和峡谷。
- I like to breathe the fresh air in suburban places. 我喜欢在郊外呼吸新鲜空气。
- Another commuter from the suburban gentry. 来自郊区的又一个通勤者
- Chevrolet Suburban 雪佛兰Suburban
- He dropped off at the square and changed to a suburban bus. 他在广场下车,换乘一辆郊区公共汽车。
- Making magic in the movies in your old Chevrolet. 制造着电影里的魔幻在你的古老的雪佛莱车上。
- It sets down in the midst of quiet suburban homes. 它坐落在安静的郊外住宅区的中间。
- They live in a suburban area of Shanghai. 他们住在上海的一个郊区。
- The curtain goes up on (ie is raised to show) a suburban living-room. 幕布升起,展现的是市郊住宅的起居室。
- Chevrolet: Future for my future. 雪弗兰:未来,为我而来。
- The Chevrolet Aveo offers a lot for not much money. 雪佛兰乐骋为在不必付出很多的钱条件下,提供更加多的给你。
- If you rent one you get a Chevrolet. 如果你租赁光盘,得到的是雪佛兰。
- The curtain goes up on a suburban living-room. 幕布升起; 展现的是市郊住宅的起居室.
- My neighbor has just bought a Chevrolet. 隔壁邻居家新买了一辆雪佛兰小卧车。
- "Betrothal" sounds less suburban. “订婚”这个词听起来不那么土气。
- Mr. Barton lived in a suburban town. 巴顿先生住在城郊的一个镇上。
- Zhujiajiao lies in suburban Shanghai. 赏心悦目:朱家角位于上海近郊。
- There's a lot of good things about suburban living. 郊区生活是有许多优点。