- Chesneya purpurean. 紫花雀儿豆
- Compounds from Leaf of Ilex purpurea Hassk. 四季青叶化学成分研究。
- Labdane diterpenes from hypoestes purpurea? 高国清;马苏珊;何礼刚;张永勋(Chang,Yuan-Shiun)?
- Title: Studies on Phenolic Acids from Ilex purpurea Hassk. 关键词:四季青;冬青属;酚酸类;龙胆酸;异香草酸
- Brassica Campestris. L. ssp. chinensis var. purpurea Hort. 红菜薹
- Bauhinia purpurea L., a fuelwood tree with many uses. 一种多效用的薪材树种 -- 羊蹄甲.
- Disturbance reconstruction of Picea purpurea Mast. Stand in Maixiu, Qinhai Province. 青海麦秀林场紫果云杉次生林的干扰重建。
- It contains extracts of Echinacea purpurea plant (herb) and root (radix) and Echinacea angustifolia root (radix). 它包含紫花松果菊地上部分、根部以及狭叶松果菊根部提取物。
- Echinacea purpurea root, Gotu Kola leaf, Milk Thistle seed, Cleaver herb, Nettle leaf, Burdock root, Rosehip shells. 紫松果,雷公根叶,牛奶蓟,牛筋草,荨麻叶,牛蒡,玫瑰果
- Echinacea purpurea,which belongs to Compositae familia, is a traditional North American perennial medicinal herb. 紫锥菊(Echinacea purpurea (L) Monench)是菊科(Compositae)松果属植物。
- Kelly callus was produced from the explants of Echinacea purpurea when cultured on MS+IBA(0.4 mg/L)+BA(0.1 mg/L). 紫锥菊种子通过破坏种皮的方法;其诱导发芽率可从未处理的33%25提高到64%25;紫锥菊无菌叶片在MS+IBA(0.;4 mg/L)+BA(0
- There of the foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) are the source of drugs such as digitalin. 玄参科包括约5100种。该科植物毛地黄(紫花毛地黄)的叶片是制洋地黄甙等药物的原料。
- The contents of cichoric acid in introducing plant of Echinacea purpurea in china were assayed by HPLC. 建立了菊苣酸的高效液相色谱分析方法并对国内引种紫锥菊菊苣酸进行了检测。
- A fungus(Claviceps purpurea) that infects various cereal plants and forms compact black masses of branching filaments that replace many of the grains of the host plant. 麦角菌一种麦角属真菌(麦角菌麦角菌属),它感染谷类作物,形成一种紧密的黑色分叉细丝状物质代替作物的谷粒
- Comparative Study on the Stomatic Distribution on Plants Setereasea purpurea Boom, Zebrina pendula Schnizl and Commelina communis Linn. 紫竹梅、吊竹梅和鸭跖草气孔分布与比较。
- Its Latin name is Digitalis purpurea, which might sound familiar; leaves from the plant are a commercial source of the heart drug digitalis. 它还有个更被人熟知的拉丁名字叫“洋地黄”,其叶可用于商用,是治疗心脏病的药品“洋地黄”的原材料。
- Cao, var. communis Tsen et Lee, var. rosularis Tsen et Lee, var. purpurea Mao, var parachinensis (Bailey)Tsen et Lee, var.multiceps Sh. communis Tsen et Lee;塌菜 var.;rosularis Tsen et Lee;紫菜薹 varpurpuren Mao;菜心 var
- Any of several willows having long rodlike twigs used in basketry, especially the Eurasian Salix viminalis and S. purpurea. 柳树一种长有可用于编篮的鞭状长细枝的柳树,尤指欧亚大陆植物青刚柳和红皮柳
- OBJECTIVE To study the effect of MSE (mixture of Serenoa repens and Echinacea purpurea)on experimental prostatitis in rats. 目的观察棕菊合剂(MSE)对大鼠实验性前列腺炎的治疗作用。
- The technology of preparing sodium copper chlorophyllin from Banhinia purpurea linn leaves was studied.The optimum technological condition was found. 由羊蹄甲树叶提取叶绿素并经皂化、铜代及成盐反应制备叶绿素铜钠,研究探讨了优惠提取工艺条件和反应条件。