- Cheng Yiu Chung 郑耀宗(1939-),香港大学教授。
- Meeting with Mr Tam Yiu Chung, Legislator, to strive for representation in the Legislative Council. 会见谭耀宗议员争取立法会及选委会议席.
- The school's headmaster, Yeung Yiu Chung, believed it was a case of triads infiltrating the school, and not a case of school violence. 有关学校校长杨耀忠认为,这是黑社会渗透校园事件,而并非校园暴力事件。
- They are Mr Leung Chun Ying, who will look into housing; Mr Antony Leung Kam Chung, who will be looking at education; and Mr Tam Yiu Chung, who will be considering services for the elderly. 梁振英先生会为我提供有关房屋方面的意见,梁锦松先生会在教育事宜协助我制订长远策略,谭耀宗先生会帮我研究老人政策方面的未来路向。
- They are Mr Leung Chun Ying,who will look into housing; Mr Antony Leung Kam Chung,who will be looking at education; and Mr Tam Yiu Chung,who will be considering services for the elderly. 梁振英先生会为我提供有关房屋方面的意见,梁锦松先生会在教育事宜协助我制订长远策略,谭耀宗先生会帮我研究老人政策方面的未来路向。
- Wong Yiu Chung 王耀宗
- We happen to have an excellent building for rent at 25 Chung Cheng Rd. 我们刚好在中正路25号有一座很棒的大楼要出租。
- Cheng De is a desirable summer resort. 承德是个理想的避暑场所。
- Re-alignment and modification of Tin Yiu Road. 变更及修改天耀路路线。
- Back in Korea, Chung exudes confidence. 回到韩国郑流露出充分自信。
- Starting development in the 1990's, town areas include Hang On, Kam Ying, Yiu On, Chung On, Lee On and Wu Kai Sha. 自1990年代发展,地区包括恒安、锦英、耀安、颂安、利安、乌溪沙等地方。
- Pui Cheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中学是一所华文学校。
- Guangzhou Yiu Wing Pressing Machine Co., Ltd. 广州耀荣整烫机械有限公司。
- Netizens speculate it could be Christy Chung. 网友们普遍推测其为‘钟丽缇’。”
- By chance, they meet a music teacher Cheng who has just been fired. Cheng resembles Yiu much in looks, so he is asked to represent Yiu. 碰巧撞著刚被革职的音乐老师若尘,因其样貌像极逍遥,而被邀作替身。
- Qin oi gie Hakka peng yiu,am ya ho! 你也是客家人?鄙人精通客家话,有机会可探讨。
- Confucian Inflects, Book II, "Wed Cheng". 见《论语 - 为政第二》。
- What's the English for "Yi shi wu cheng"? “一事无成”的英文怎么说?
- ShenZhen City Cheng Jiu Building Material Co., Ltd. 深圳市成就建材有限公司。