- One of the workers who followed in his steps as an innovator was Tang Ying. 还有一个跟他闹革新的工人,那就是唐英。
- Cheng De is a desirable summer resort. 承德是个理想的避暑场所。
- Tsao Kuei requested an audience. 曹刿请见。
- Singer Na Ying is one of her best friends. 歌手那英是她最好的朋友之一。
- Park reconstruction after the earthquake, wing Pavilion, Veranda, small bridges,shi jing , Qingchi, aircraft painting,xiang ying cheng qu . 震后公园复建,翼亭、游廊、小桥、石径、清池、画航,相映成趣。
- Pui Cheng Middle School is a Chinese school. 培正中学是一所华文学校。
- We stood up for Xiao Ying,as she was in the right. 我们支持小英,因为她是对的。
- Liu Ying meets Wang Bin on the way to the library. 刘莹在去图书馆的路上与王宾相遇。
- Liu Ying is at the head of her class. 刘英是班上第一名。
- Confucian Inflects, Book II, "Wed Cheng". 见《论语 - 为政第二》。
- Liu Ying is both strong and lovely. 刘颖体格健壮又可爱。
- What's the English for "Yi shi wu cheng"? “一事无成”的英文怎么说?
- Liu Ying is not as good as sports as her sister. 刘英的体育没有她妹妹好。
- Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister. 刘英不如她姐姐体育好。
- ShenZhen City Cheng Jiu Building Material Co., Ltd. 深圳市成就建材有限公司。
- Liu Ying is the tallest of all the girls. 刘英是女孩子中个子最高的。
- Shi Jia Zhuang Hua Cheng Preckion Casting Co., Ltd. 石家庄华成精密铸件有限公司。
- Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li. 刘英比刘丽善谈。
- Baotou Tian Cheng Garment Co., Ltd. 包头市天城制衣有限责任公司。
- Just then Li Kuei, one of the servants, came in with Dr. Ting. 恰好这时候,当差李贵引着丁医生进来了。