- Today, I, Tam Chen Yu, have converted to Christianity! 今日,我,谭振宇,成为了基督徒!
- Doch der Vertreter der Staatsanwaltschaft, Chen Yu, ein Mann Mitte 30, ist erstaunlich milde gestimmt. 但是检察院代表陈宇(音译),一名三十多岁的男子,说话的声音却温和得令人吃惊。
- Grand Slam winner Taufik today three hard Hafez win, while Chen Yu is a 2-0 win over Macau's. 大满贯得主陶菲克今天三局苦战险胜哈菲兹,陈郁则是以2-0轻取一名澳门选手。
- Chen Yu : Master in Quantitative Economics and Finance, University of St. Gallen. Member of CUZ Photo Club. 陈雨:圣加仑大学数量经济/金融硕士生,CUZ摄影俱乐部会员。
- Men's singles second round of the things most of the course with Taufik's against Chen Yu. 男单第二轮最有看点的当属陶菲克同陈郁的对阵。
- Bao Chunlai and Chen were the men's singles against Japan's Sasaki Xiang and teammate Gong Weijie, Chen Yu Taufik challenge odds are against us. 男单鲍春来和陈金分别对阵日本选手佐佐木翔与队友龚伟杰,陈郁挑战陶菲克凶多吉少。
- And the men's singles, respectively against Japan's Sasaki Xiang and teammate Gong Weijie, Chen Yu challenge odds are against us. 男单和分别对阵日本选手佐佐木翔与队友龚伟杰,陈郁挑战凶多吉少。
- China badminton team head coach Li Yongbo yesterday announced plans to adjust the national team coach, Chen Yu and Zhang Ning will enrich the team into the national team coach. 中国羽毛球队总教练李永波昨日公布了国家队教练班子调整计划,张宁和陈郁会充实进国家队教练班子。
- Taufik survived the dangerous first-round clearance of the challenges facing the veteran Chen Yu, Lu Lan who is the host for the first time, the opponent is Germany's Nick. 首轮涉险过关的陶菲克面临老将陈郁的挑战,东道主选手卢兰则首次亮相,对手是德国的尼克。
- Zhang Ning, Gao Ling and Yang Wei and Zhang Jiewen are the Olympic champion, Wei Yili, Chen Yu Tang Youbei is, the members of the Sudirman Cup championship team. 张宁、高崚、杨维、张洁雯都是奥运冠军得主,魏轶力、陈郁则是汤尤杯、苏迪曼杯冠军队成员。
- Anand beat the best Chinese shuttler left in the draw, Chen Yu, while Lu Yi, also from China, bowed to Japan’s Sasaki.The Japanese will take on Thai wonder Ponsana. 在今天的比赛中,周蜜就是通过连续压卢兰底线两角伺机放网,卢兰在网前频频失误,后场的拉吊也是失误频频,完全被周蜜控制住了场上的节奏。
- Chen Yu,come here,please. 陈宇请到这里来。
- I'm Chen Yu from China. 我是来自中国的陈予。
- The beginning stage of the war between Chu and Han are listed as follows: First, Tian Rong、Peng Yue and Chen Yu because of not satisfied with the feudality from Shiang Yu, revolted against Shiang Yu. 楚汉战争的开始有三个阶段:一是田荣、彭越、陈馀因对项羽分封不满而起兵反抗项羽;
- CHEN Yu,ZHENG Qing-rong,LIN Wen-sheng,et al.Calculation and analysis of several methods of obtaining 1.8 K superfluid helium[J].Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University,2005,39(2):234-237. [1]陈煜;郑青榕;林文胜;等.;几种获取1
- The novel had an enormous vogue in the 1930's. 这本小说在三十年代曾广为流传。
- The film suddenly jumped from the events of 1920 to those of 1930. 那电影从1920年的事突然跳到1930年的事。
- Author Shen Jianguo;Chen Yu;Zhang Hailan.; 作者沈建国;陈宇;张海澜;
- Mr. Chen knows this, but other people don't. 陈先生知道这件事,但是别人不知道。
- He didn't agree to Xiao Yu [her] taking up the job. 他不同意小余[她]担任这项工作。