- Chebyshev polynomails 契贝谢夫多项式
- A way to determine the order of Chebyshev DC filter was presented. 提出简化的切比雪夫直流滤波器阶数的计算方法。
- Chebyshev filters are used to separate one band of frequencies from another. 切比雪夫滤波器用来分开两个不同频率。
- Finally, a chebyshev function BPF with SIW resonator was designed and realized by LTCC with 12-layer substrate. 并用LTCC工艺成功实现了一个由12层基片构成的SIW谐振器切比雪夫滤波器。
- In our discussion,it is proposed to use Chebyshev polynomial and Legendre polynomial,they are easier to sa... 最后讨论同一多项式阶数下不同历元数对拟合结果的影响。
- In this thesis, combline, interdigital, folded and spiral bandpass filters with Chebyshev response are designed. 在论文第二部份,以柴比契夫响应设计梳型、指叉型、折叠型和涡型之带通滤波器。
- The chain consists of a dual-mode,highly linear,fourth order Chebyshev active RC filter and three VGA stages. 基带由双模的高线性度的四阶切比雪夫形式的有源RC低通滤波器以及三级可变增益放大器构成。
- There are close to approaching Butterworth, Chebyshev approximation, elliptical and Bessel close approximation. 逼近方法有巴特沃思逼近,切比雪夫逼近,椭圆逼近和贝塞尔逼近。
- In a same standard, PCB based on Butterworth、 Chebyshev、Legendre are dsigned out, the dimension and filter function are compared. 同一指标下,设讨出巴特沃斯、契比雪夫、勒让德原型滤波器印制板,给出并比较了实现尺寸与滤波特性。
- The attenuation poles will improve the selectivity of the diplexer and can be obtained by modifying the traditional Chebyshev frequency response. 利用柴比雪夫多项式具传输零点的特性,可以提高双工器对频率的选择能力。
- The design specification of antialiasing filter is presented by proof and the design and calculation of Chebyshev antialiasing filter is performed. 经论证提出了抗混滤波器的设计指标;进行了切比雪夫抗混滤波器的设计计算.
- Besides the Chebyshev-Legendre collocation (CLC) method in [15], a Leg-endre Galerkin Chebyshev collocation (LGCC) scheme is presented. 除了在[15]中的Chebyshev-Legendre配置方法外,我们还对Legendre-Galerkin Chebyshev配置(LGCC)方法进行分析。
- By using to immobilize the moving front by front-fixing transformation, we can get an ordinary differential equations by Chebyshev polynomials. 利用坐标变换,将自由边界的移动前沿固定,然后通过多项式展开将自由边界问题转化成常微分方程组求解(前沿固定方法);
- In this paper,summation formulas of products involving odd-even index chebyshev polynomials of the second are given by using primary methods. 利用初等方法给出了一类包含奇下标第二类契贝谢夫多项式乘积和与一类包含偶下标第二类契贝谢夫多项式乘积和的求和公式。
- Finally, we apply the embedded two-section open stub to the Chebyshev type II low-pass filter to improve its rate of cutoff. 最后,把前面提出的嵌入型两段开路残枝应用在此低通滤波器,改善其衰减斜率。
- We get then the geometrical dimensions of a three-stage Chebyshev bandpass filter and its EM simulated frequency response. 在此基础上得到三级切比雪夫响应带通滤波器的尺寸和频响曲线。
- With the use of the properties of the second Chebyshev polynomial,a group of interesting identity of sine and cosine function is obtained. 利用第二类契贝谢夫多项式的性质得到了关于正余弦函数的一组有趣的恒等式。
- Including the series, Chebyshev approximation, integral and derivative of Chebyshev approaching the five function approximation numerical methods. 用VB实现函数逼近的数值方法算法集。包括级数求和,切比雪夫逼近,积分和导数的切比雪夫逼近等五种函数逼近数值方法。-VB function approximation algorithm for the numerical method sets.
- The assumption about the surface current density distribution on the tape is avoided by expanding it in a series of Chebyshev polynomials. 在介质的高阶径向分层时为了避免高阶矩阵的求逆运算,采用转移矩阵和连接矩阵处理边界的场匹配。
- By using MATLAB signal and using window method, frequency sampling and Chebyshev approximation the design of low pass digital filter in the toolbox have been processed. 采用窗函数法、频率抽样法和切比雪夫最佳一致逼近法,通过调用Matlab信号处理工具箱中的函数设计低通数字滤波器。