- Chatham Parakeetn. 查岛鹦鹉
- Bernice Lee summarises a new Chatham House report. 李永怡总结查塔姆研究所的新报告。
- Streaming video of Sparky the parakeet. 活泼的长尾小鹦鹉视频直播。
- I had a pet turtle.My brother had a parakeet. 我养过一只龟,弟弟养过一只长尾鹦鹉。
- The parakeet identified with Picasso clothed. 鹦鹉爱上了毕加索。
- The second shower of love came down in a small town called Chatham. 第二场讲座,像爱之春雨,降临在凯萨小镇。
- Have to ask a salesperson, Chatham Road, a few furniture. 还得问营业员,家具上过几道漆。
- You have a plastic surface to increase metal Chatham's doing. 你面有塑料加重做金属漆的。
- Pitt Island is part of New Zealand's Chatham Islands. 皮特岛是新西兰查萨姆群岛的一部分,
- Interior Latex Paint is a new type of environmental control health Chatham. 多功能内墙乳胶漆是一种新型环境治理健康漆。
- And the parakeet God bless him flew out a window once never to be seen again. 而那只鹦鹉,愿上帝保佑它,有一次飞出窗外,就再也没见到影儿。
- While making presentations, occasionally bob your head like a parakeet. 做演讲的时候,偶尔像一个小鹦鹉那样的伸伸脖子,然后又缩缩脖子。
- Chatham tears again no matter how tough, you comfort is a sunny day! 眼泪再苦再咸,有你安慰又是晴天!
- In a peculiarly ugly cage was the only other living thing in the house,a somnolent blue parakeet with a celluloid fake companion. 在一个奇特难看的鸟笼里,养着一只无精打采的蓝色长尾小鹦鹉--这是室内唯一有生命的东西,旁边还配了个赛璐珞的假鹦鹉。
- They are like the parakeet in the mine--- they are a good barometer of what's going on. 他们就像矿区的长尾小鹦鹉,就像温度计反映出周围的变化。
- A bootless 4-year-old enjoys his ride on a swing pushed by his grandfather at a park in Chatham, Canada. 在加拿大查坦的一座公园里,一名光脚的四岁男童让阿公推著秋千乐在其中。
- They are like the parakeet in the mine---they are a good barometer of what's going on. 他们就像矿区的长尾小鹦鹉,就像温度计反映出周围的变化。
- Construction of the permanent Museum of History at Chatham Road South and the Lei Yue Mun Museum in Chai Wan progressed well. 位于漆咸道南的永久性博物馆和柴湾鲤鱼门博物馆的建筑工程进展良好。
- "In feathered hats that were once the rage, she resembles a petrified parakeet from the Jurassic age. 带着一顶过时的羽饰帽,简直就像个侏罗纪时代的鹦鹉活化石。
- He followed in the footsteps of his father "Pitt the Elder", Earl of Chatham, to the office. 他接替他的父亲查塔姆伯爵“老皮特”而登上首相宝座。