- Chariton creates links. 卡里同是沟通者。
- It has created links between the players. 这在球场上比赛中,以及场下的生活里都非常重要。”
- It creates links from the image map to individual images of the planets using the AREA element with the MAP element, COORDS value, and SHAPE attribute. 该代码在MAP元素中使用AREA元素及其COORDS值和SHAPE标签属性创建了由图象映射指向单个行星图像的链接。
- This example demonstrates how to create links in an HTML document. 演示了怎样在一个HTML文档中去创建一个超级链接。
- If the corresponding element of the holiday array contains a value, the code creates link text that displays the holiday name instead of the day number. 如果对应的假日数组元素包含值,则代码将创建显示假日名而非日编号的链接文本。
- Line 7-12: Iterate over all message entries and create links to each pending message, displaying its title. 第7-12行:遍历所有消息条目并为每个待审消息创建链接和显示标题。
- The solution for creating links in XML documents was to put a marker on elements that should act as hyperlinks. 解决在XML文档中建立连接的方法是加入扮演超连接元素的标记。
- HTML lets you format text, add graphics, create links, input forms, frames and tables, etc. HTML让你能够格式化文字,添加图片,连接以及表单和框架,表格等等。
- In NS, the output queue of a node is implemented as a part of a link, therefore users should specify the queue-type when creating links. 在NS中,节点的出口队列是作为链路的一部分来实现的,因此创建链路的时候需要确定队列的类型。
- OLE formats, which are used to create linked or embedded objects. OLE格式,用于创建链接的或嵌入的对象。
- In design panel, you can create, modify or delete table or field object, you can create link object between fields. 可在设计面板中编辑数据库结构定义,包括新增,修改和删除表结构和字段结构。可建立字段间的连接关系。
- Server Operators: Special permissions: All permissions except: Full Control, Create Link, Write DAC or Write Owner. Server Operators:特殊权限:所有权限,除了:完全控制、创建链接、写入DAC或写入所有者。
- I remain available to discuss any ideas you may have,provide information,create links,and opportunities for Chinese and Liberian entities and individuals. 我愿与诸位讨论任何关于两国合作的创意,提供所需的信息,为两国的企业和个人的合作提供帮助,创造机遇。
- That film creates an atmosphere of menace. 那部影片营造出吓人的气氛。
- In the Timesheet Name column, point to the Click to Create link for a reporting period, and then click the arrow that appears. 在“时间表名称”列中,指向报告提交时间段的“单击此处进行创建”链接,然后单击显示的箭头。
- This decision creates a dangerous precedent. 这个决定开创了一个危险的先例。
- Over time, this annual initiative created links between the students and teachers and inner-city interest groups, the katchi abadis, informal sector operators, NGOs and government departments. 随着时间过去,在学生,教师,市中心利益团体,不正规居住区,不正规部门从业者,非官方组织和政府部门之间建立起每年主动地联系。
- His shabby appearance creates a bad impression. 他那寒酸的样子给人留下不好的印象。
- A novelist creates characters and a plot. 小说家塑造人物并设计作品的情节。
- This part also generate all SQL function used by the metadata definition to create links between the SQL backend and the stored object for the test database and to store all attributes value. 这部分也建立sql后台和数据库保存的对象和属性间的定义的用来连接元数据将使用的sql函数。