- Enter the total amount of approved charitable donation made during the year in the tax return for the relevant year of assessment. 填写该年度内已支付的捐款总额在有关课税年度的报税表内。
- Leo makes charitable donations on behalf of their loved ones. 狮子座代表他们爱的人进行慈善捐助。
- Many selfish Chinese pocketed charitable donations for their personal use. 许多自私的老中,把慈善的捐款作为私用。
- Charitable donations can make you feel good and they're tax deductable. 慈善捐款令你觉得愉快还可抵税。
- Legal Regulations On Corporate Charitable Donation 公司慈善捐赠的法律规制
- Article 4 The wishes of the donator shall be respected for the use of charitable donations, and no charitable donation can be used for any other purpose. 第四条慈善捐赠财产的使用应当尊重捐赠人的意愿,不得将慈善捐赠财产挪作他用。
- Economic analysis about personal charitable donation 私人慈善捐赠的经济学分析
- Carnegie had made some charitable donations before 1901, but after that time, giving his money away became his new occupation. 1901年前,卡内基曾有过几次慈善捐款,但自1901年后,把钱送出去成为他的新工作。
- We investigate why this occurred, eventually relating the phenomenon to a loophole involving charitable donations deductions. 我们探究这个现象发生的原因,最后连结到一个与捐赠扣除额有关的漏洞。
- Donations to the Tor Project may be tax deductible to persons who are in the US or who pay taxes in countries with reciprocity with the US on charitable donations. 捐助我们也许会使美国公民或者在与美国互惠税务的国家的公民有减税的待遇。
- Through its 2008 charitable donations, Baxter assisted individuals affected by worldwide disasters, including the earthquake in China and the cyclone in Myanmar. 2008年百特通过慈善捐赠帮助了全球范围内诸多受灾人群,包括中国地震和缅甸飓风灾民。
- Make small charitable donations in honor of your best clients, or send them gift certificates for movie tickets, tickets to a local playhouse or a family restaurant. 为了表示对最忠实客户的尊敬,为他们制作小巧的慈善捐赠品,或者给他们发送电影票礼券,以及当地游乐场或家庭餐厅的门票。
- Her request for a donation met with a repulse. 她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。
- He asked for a donation but went away empty handed. 他请求人们捐款,但离开时却一无所获!
- A Prisoners' Education Trust Fund set up with charitable donations in1995 provides financial assistance to prisoners in educational pursuits, in the form of grants to cover course or examination fees, and expenses on reference books. 一九九五年以慈善捐款成立的在囚人士教育信讬基金,为有意进修的犯人提供经济援助,资助他们购买参考书、缴付学费或考试费。
- She turned her nose up at my small donation. 她嫌我捐赠微薄而嗤之以鼻。
- A Prisoners'Education Trust Fund set up with charitable donations in 1995 provides financial assistance to prisoners in educational pursuits,in the form of grants to cover course or examination fees,and expenses on reference books. 一九九五年,以慈善捐款成立的在囚人士教育信讬基金,为有意进修的犯人提供经济援助,资助他们购买参考书、缴付学费或考试费。
- The behavior characteristics of the charitable donation in SARS emergency SARS危机中慈善捐赠的特点与动机探析
- She made many charitable benefactions. 她作过很多慈善捐赠。
- The donation aggregated to$10,000. 捐款合计达一万美元。