- Chariot and Cavalry general 骑阵将军
- Have your chariots and cavalry go into the Crow and Cloud Formation, arraying them against their front and rear. 把我战车、骑兵分布为“乌云之陈”,戒备前后,使三军急剧战斗。
- Thus when chariots and cavalry are not engaged in battle with the enemy, one cavalryman is not able to equal one foot soldier. 因此车骑使用不恰当,在战斗中一名骑兵还不能抵挡一名步兵。
- This weapon is effective against infantry and cavalry. 这种武器对步兵和骑兵同样有效。
- The Spirit told Philip, "Go to that chariot and stay near it. 圣灵对腓利说:“你去!贴近那车走。
- The Roman circus was used for chariot and horse races. 罗马竞技场是用来举行敞篷双轮马车竞赛和赛马比赛的。
- So he yoked his chariot and took his people with him. 6法老就套上他的战车,带着军兵同去,
- General of Chariots and Cavalry 车骑将军
- With you I wrecked horse and rider, chariot and charioteer. 用你粉碎战马和骑士,用你粉碎战车和御夫,
- It was a cavalry general who had won the Emperor's special favour during this campaign, and had formerly been in command of the division in which Rostov was serving. 这是个骑兵将军,在这次战役中得到国王的特殊宠信,罗斯托夫过去在他的师部里服役时,他是个师长。
- Chariots and cavalry 车骑
- They were equipped with javelins, argive shields, and cavalry sword. 他们装备了标枪,希腊盾和骑兵剑,有时他们穿皮甲和戴青铜头盔。
- The bronze wares include vessels, weapons, chariots and so on. 这些青铜器包括器具、武器和战车等。
- So Jehu rode in a chariot, and went to Jezreel; for Joram lay there. And Ahaziah king of Judah was come down to see Joram. 有一个守望的人站在耶斯列的楼上,看见耶户带着一群人来,就说,我看见一群人。约兰说,打发一个骑马的去迎接他们,问说,平安不平安。
- The budget will determine how many infantry and cavalry units will be available. 这项预算会决定可用多少步兵和装甲部队。
- Trypho sent troops and cavalry to Galilee and to the Great Plain to wipe out all of Jonathan's men. 同时,特黎丰又派步兵和骑兵,前往加里肋亚和大平原,去消灭约纳堂的一切党羽。
- In the course of time, Absalom provided himself with a chariot and horses and with fifty men to run ahead of him. 此后,押沙龙为自己预备车马,又派五十人在他前头奔走。
- A trained billmen can use it to stab, hack and drag down his enemies, including both infantrymen and cavalry. 训练有素的钩镰兵,能够刺砍钩劈,虎虎生风,无论骑兵步兵都望而生畏。
- Earths future on your bodies. Game, around key control chariot and move around th. 游戏方法,左右方向键控制战车左右移动,鼠标控制导弹发射的方向。
- Relative to the infantry and Cavalry, both were almost invulnerable to machine gun and artillery fire. 相对于步兵和骑兵而言,它们在机枪和火炮面前几乎是坚不可摧的。