- Charge and teach these things. 11这些事你要嘱咐人,也要教导人。
- Prescribe and teach these things. 提前4:11这些事你要吩咐人、也要教导人。
- Charge and teach these things. Beritakanlah dan ajarkanlah semuanya itu. 这些事你要嘱咐人,也要教导人。
- Command and teach these things. 11这些事你要吩咐人,也要教导人。
- Teach these things, encourage and reprove with all authority. Let no one despise you. 你要宣讲这些事,以全权规劝和指摘,不要让任何人轻视你。
- And these things give in charge, that they may be blameless. 这些事你要嘱咐他们,叫他们无可指责。
- The anchor chain took charge and ran out. 锚链失去控制而滑了出来。
- These things happen all the time. 这是常有的事。
- You should keep out of these things. 你不能牵涉进这些事。
- She seems to do these things on purpose. 她似乎是有意地做这些事。
- Daisy blew these things into Dianna's ears. 戴西悄悄地把这些事告诉黛安娜。
- Could I have these things on tick? 你能不能赊帐卖给我这些东西?
- They feed these children, clothe them and teach them to read. 他们给这些孩子提供食物、衣物和文化教育。
- I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. 这些事是我约翰所听见、所看见的。
- Does that include service charge and tax? 包含服务费和税吗?
- Don't worry. I'll try and teach [help] you. 别着急,我来想法教[帮助]你。
- And the high priest said, Are these things so? 大祭司就说,果真有这些事么?
- Nature of User's Charge and Fees? 政府收费的性质究竟是什么?
- At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things. 有时,由于渴望能看到这一切东西,我的内心在哭泣。
- The brake band took charge and ran out. 刹带不受控制,脱了出去。