- Channel catfish herpesvirus 水道猫鱼疱疹病毒
- The fish odor of the Channel catfish's bone was removed with the de-fishy agent. 利用去腥剂对斑点叉尾鮰鱼骨去腥,同时研究鱼骨休闲食品的加工方法对产品质量的影响。
- Craig S. Tucker &C. Boyd(1985)Aquatie Weed Control. Channel Catfish Culture p.202-212. 韩茂森主编(1991),淡水生物。淡水养殖专业教学丛书,高等教育出版社。
- Main products: fresh water crawfish series, fresh water shrimp series, fresh water channel catfish, etc. 主要产品:小龙虾、青虾、鱼片等三大系列。
- The effects of pretreatment technology on the gelatin extracted from Channel Catfish head were studied to find out the optimal conditions. 研究预处理条件对斑点叉尾鲴鱼头提取骨明胶性能的影响,找出最优预处理条件。
- Acid-soluble and pepsin-soluble collagens(ASC and PSC) were extracted from the skin of Channel catfish and partially characterized. 从斑点叉尾鱼回鱼皮中提取酸溶和酶溶胶原并对其进行了部分定性研究。
- The effects of different flocculants on treatment of wastewater from channel catfish slaughtering were compared,which showed that PFS was the most efficient flocculant. 通过比较不同絮凝剂对斑点叉尾鱼回鱼宰杀废水的处理效果,得出聚合硫酸铁(PFS)的絮凝效果最佳的结论。
- Meanwhile, aliens including fathead minnows, channel catfish and commoncarp, which would have been hard put to survive in the savage waters of theundammed canyon, have moved in. 同时,外来物种包括科罗拉多大白鱼、刀项亚口鱼和粗壮骨尾鱼,本来难以在修坝前的原始水域中生存,却大量的迁入。
- Restaurateurs from Tupelo to Toronto could pitch in by replacing the bland-fleshed channel catfish on their menus with equally bland-fleshed Asian carp. 从美国图珀洛到多伦多的餐馆可以把它们菜单上的鲶鱼都换成鲤鱼试试。
- However, QTL mapping was only studied preliminarily in a few species with middle or high density linkage maps, such as salmonids (the rainbow trout, the Atlantic salmon and the Arctic char), the tilapia, the channel catfish and the Japanese flounder. 然而,QTL定位研究目前只在具有中高密度遗传连锁图谱的鲑科鱼类(虹鳟、大西洋鲑和北极嘉鱼)、罗非鱼、沟鲶和日本牙鲆等种类中开展,而且定位研究仍处在初级水平。
- Skin Disease Control of the Channel Catfish 斑点叉尾鮰腐皮病的治疗
- Extraction of gelatin from channel catfish skin 斑点叉尾鮰鱼皮明胶制备工艺的优化
- enteric septicemia of channel catfish (ESC) 肠败血症
- Channel catfish ( Ictalurus punctatus) 斑点叉尾鲴
- Channel catfish( Ictalurus punctatus) 斑点叉尾鮰
- channel catfish ( Ictnlurus punctatus ) 斑点叉尾鲴
- channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus ) 斑点又尾鮰
- channel catfish (lctalurus punctatus) 斑点叉尾鮰
- channel catfish Ictalunes punctatus 斑点又尾鮰
- He get seasick every time he crosse the channel. 他每次渡英吉利海峡时都晕船。