- Change of Range with Time 距离随时间的变化
- Take a change of clothes with you. 把你替换的衣服带去吧。
- She knew with a change of scene she would soon buck up. 她知道环境一改变她将快乐起来。
- In addition, pressure change of volatile oil well with time and distance during degassing percolation is presented. 描述了挥发性油井在脱气渗流过程中压力随时间和距离的变化规律;
- Love is sometimes put in range with a career. 人们往往认为爱情和事业是并驾齐驱的。
- The trees range with the front of the house. 这些树与房子的正面在一条直线上。
- Method:The fractal dimension of EMG signals were calculated,the change of the dimension with time was observed during sustained contraction. 方法:运用分形几何理论计算肌电信号波形的分维数,在受试者持续用力的情况下观察肌电信号分维数随时间的变化。
- I need to tone up with more exercise and a change of diet. 我需要加强锻炼和改变饮食来增强休质。
- A model for expressing the change of backscattering flux of foam drilling fluid with time was established according to the optics property of foam drilling fluid. 根据泡沫钻井液的光学性质,建立了后向散射光强度随时间变化的关系模型,并进一步提出了泡沫比表面积的概念。
- The system can obtain anytime spectral irradiance, given waveband irradiance of instant light source and its change with time as well as the change of peak wavelength with time. 系统可获得瞬变光源点燃过程当中各时刻的光谱辐照度、给定波段的辐照度及其随时间的变化、峰值波长随时间的变化。
- My initial good opinion of him changed with time. 时间长了我对他最初的好印象改变了。
- Flinging into the training completely, Siao-lu doesn't pay attention to the change of her body condition.On the eve of the competition, fate forces Siao-lu to compete with time. 王小路(萧淑慎饰)是个正值芳蔻年华的女子,从小就希望能成为一个杰出的羽毛球选手。
- With the change of the objective, space and technology, the application of bamboo bad changed correspondingly in the aspect of range and quantity and sorts in modern garden. 由于服务对象、空间尺度、技术水平都发生了变化,竹子在现代园林中应用范围、数量、种类、手段等也发生了相应的变化。
- This is the mountain range with many rich deposits of gold. 这是富含金矿的山脉。
- Using DYNA 2D commercial program, the change of displacements of mortar and soil with time during the explosive lining are analyzed by numerical simulation. 应用DYNA-2D有限元程序,对爆炸衬砌过程中砂浆、土壤的位移随时间的变化规律进行了数值模拟研究。
- Moral standards change with time. 道德标准随时代而变。
- They are still out of range of our guns. 他们还在我们枪炮的射程之外。
- A change of diet may do you good. 改变一下饮食对你可能有好处。
- The load time of all objects is shown visually with time bars. 加载对象的耗时将通过在时间条来直观地展示。
- ObjectiveTo explore the change of ranges of abduction motion of hip joint in the simplified Taichi quan exercise. 目的研究简化太极拳运动时髋外展活动度的变化。