- The sequence of them to come out from the restaurant is Xian Jun Su,Micky Yoo Chon,Hero Jaejong, Max Chang min,Uknow Yoon Ho;Xiah and Hero laugh happily. 出餐厅的顺序是俊秀、有天、在中、昌珉、允浩,俊秀跟在中笑得很开心。
- "After the accident occurred, a van that looked a lot like Lee Min ho's passed by. “事故发生后,一辆看起来很像李敏镐乘坐的小货车经过。
- Audio was not being recorded for several scenes, so Ku Hye Sun and Lee Min Ho appeared to be enjoying themselves. 拍摄这一段剧情的时候,有很多画面只有录影而没有录音。
- He then attended the award ceremony with the rest of his cast.However, Lee Min Ho and his representatives kept the incident(where LMH helped GHS) quiet. 之后李参加了颁奖典礼,然而李敏镐和他的经纪人对此事只字未提。
- In an interview Goo hye sun had at the hospital on the 28th, she revealed,"Thanks to Lee Min Ho I got to get to the hospital quickly to receive treatment. 具惠善28日在医院接受的采访中透漏:“非常感谢李敏镐,幸亏他我才能及时赶到医院接受治疗”。
- Goo Hye Sun's car collided with a dump truck that was driving ahead of them.Lee Min Ho took Goo Hye Sun all the way to the hospital, and then proceeded to go back to filming. 具惠善的车在李敏镐的车前面同一辆卡车相撞,李敏镐将具送到医院,然后返回拍摄。
- Without Mr. Chang, I would not be what I am. 如果没有张先生的话,我就不会有现在的样子。
- Ho Hsiu-mei, Chang Ah-hsin and that crowd, of course! 不过是何秀妹,张阿新那一伙!
- Ho, ok. we'll have someone there in about30 minutes. 好。这样的话,30分钟之内我们会派人过去。
- And we've caught Ho Hsiu-mei and Chang Ah-hsin, too. 何秀妹,张阿新,也捉到了;
- The cupola is a min kind of melting equipment. 冲天炉是熔炼铸铁件的主要设备。
- His time of 3 min 2 sec remains unbeaten. 他那3分2秒的记录仍未打破.
- It is time enough to cry ho, when you are hurt. 不要庸人自扰。
- This is Li Min, Tom's classmate. 我叫李敏,是汤姆的同学。
- Wang Min, what's the key festival in China? 王敏,中国重要的节日是什么节日?
- It is time enough to cry ho,when you are hurt. 不要庸人自扰。
- Its error! min must min>=28, please enter again. 错误,最小值小于28。请重新输入。
- Ho,hello,Mr. Smith. I'm very well. Thanks. And you? 喔,你好,史密斯先生。我很好,谢谢,你呢?
- Shin min metal enterprises co., Ltd. 新民金属企业股份有限公司。
- A new car! Ho! Ho! Ho! That's funny! 新车!嗬!嗬!嗬!真有趣!