- Chan sect spirit 禅宗思想
- Built first in A.D. 326, it is one of the ten great Buddhist temples of the Chan sect. 灵隐寺是佛教禅宗十大名刹之一,始建于326年(东晋咸和元年)。
- Chan verses as a aesthetic category is an epitome of the artistic appreciation and judgement of the Chan Sect. "禅意"作为美学范畴,是对禅学精神审美艺术表现的一种概括。
- Toutuo (unconstraint) is one of the key conceptions of Yang Wanli's on poetry, which stemmed from Chan sect. 摘要“透脱”是杨万里诗学主张的重要范畴之一,杨万里透脱的诗学主张来源于禅宗。
- Yunmen Temple is the birthplace of Yunmen Sect, one of the five Chan Sects. 云门寺则是禅宗五大派之一的云门宗的发祥地。
- All Liu Zongyuan's life, especially his later years, was irrevocably committed to Buddhism (Tiantai Sect and Chan Sect). 摘要柳宗元一生,尤其是他的晚年与佛教特别是天台宗、禅宗结下了不解之缘。
- Chan Poem rising with the Chan Sect's flourish, and because Chan Poem carries Chan's Connotation, it has use of Chan treatment and psychology health protection. 禅诗是随着禅宗在中国的传播兴盛起来的,它携带着禅的信息,具有禅疗和心理保健的意义。
- The colorfulness of frescoes sees the influence of the he Land School of Buddhism and the wateriness of landscape paintings is a reflection of the influence of the Chan Sect. 佛教的净土宗信仰导致诸多壁画以绚烂为特点,禅宗则使山水画向水墨的平淡发展。
- The colorfulness of frescoes sees the influence of the Pure Land School of Buddhism and the wateriness of landscape paintings is a reflection of the influence of the Chan Sect. 佛教的净土宗信仰导致诸多壁画以绚烂为特点,禅宗则使山水画向水墨的平淡发展。
- The deep fusion of Buddhism and the quintessence of Chinese traditional culture forcefully pushed forward the sinicization of Buddism and strongly established the Chan Sect's historical position in Chinese philosophy and culture. 这种儒、佛的深层次融合,有力地促进了佛教的中国化过程,也坚实地奠定了禅宗在中国哲学和文化中的历史地位。
- Nanhua Temple, located in Qujiang and a key national temple, is the birthplace where the Sixth Patriarch Huineng promoted the Southern Chan Sect Buddhism and is called the ancestral home of Southern Chan Sect. 全国重点寺庙曲江南华禅寺,是佛教禅宗六祖慧能弘扬"南宗禅法"的发祥地,有"南宗祖庭"之称。
- The present temple at Longhua, completed during the reign of Emperor Guangxu, has kept alive the architectural style of temples of the Chan sect as witness its seven-hall lay-out. The temple grounds cover 6.25 hectares of land. 现在的龙华寺,为清朝光绪年间重建,保持了宋代佛家禅宗伽兰七堂制的寺院建制,占地6.;25公顷。
- They are the special geographical situation, intrinsic character of culture of the South of Five Ridges, the flourishing of the South Sect of the Chan Sect, the theory of insight Chan Sect and its special expanding way. 禅宗南宗的兴盛有力推动了禅宗文化的发展; 顿悟禅宗的理论及独特的弘传方式适应了岭南人的需要。
- The Modern Sense of the Chan Sect Ethics 禅宗伦理的现实摄义
- The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. 心有余而力不足。
- The Conrection of Chan Sect and Tang Poem 论禅宗与唐诗之融通
- Calligraphy, Book Review and the Chan Sect 书法与书道、禅宗
- Extrication of Chan sect :The experience of taste 禅宗解脱:宗教经验的审美化
- Life's primordial reality is spirit. 生命的根本真实性是精神。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。