- Chan Sai Cheung 陈世翔(1935-),英国人,香港化学教授。
- Thanks for clarification! I mixed up North Street and Sai Cheung Street. North Street is where the red van stop is. 总站应该系北街;你可以沿途上车;免费车你去总站转车.
- Shing Sai Road, Sai Cheung Street North, Sai Cheung Street, Belcher Street, Victoria Road, Shek Pai Wan Road, Aberdeen Praya Road, Aberdeen Main Road, 城西道,西祥街北,西祥街,卑路乍街,域多利道,石排湾道,香港仔海旁道,香港仔大道,黄竹坑道,海洋公园道,香叶道,警校道
- chan Sai Biu, Benny 陈世彪
- Chan Sai Cheiung 陈世翔
- Benny Chan Sai Biu 陈世彪(1957-),香港人,出版商。
- Besides Kelly Chan, Eason Chan, Leon, Jacky Cheung and etc. have already agreed to perform. 陈慧琳答应演出外,还有陈奕迅、黎明与张学友等。
- Yutian was the habitat of the Sai people. 于阗系塞人居地。
- Gor Gor, Leslie Cheung is her good listener. “哥哥”张国荣则是她谈心的对象。
- Caritas Yuen Long Chan Chun Ha Secondary School 66 Sai Yu Street, Yuen Long, N.T. 明爱元朗陈震夏中学新界元朗西裕街66号。
- CUHKFAA Chan Chun Ha Secondary School 632 Sai Sha Road, Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T. 香港中文大学校友会联会陈震夏中学新界沙田马鞍山西沙路632号。
- Who really were Lanky Cheung and Mountain Dog? 究竟高佬祥和爬山狗是谁?
- Rumor has it you are dating with Cecilia Cheung? 传闻你跟张柏芝正在柏芝男友
- Xu Chan has every reason to be confident. 因此许婵完全有理由充满自信。
- Tung Chung Road at Pak Kung Au and near Cheung Sha. 伯公坳及近长沙之东涌路。
- Mr CHAN Wing-chan spoke on the amendment. 陈荣灿议员就修正案发言。
- China Cecilia Cheung, 1 / 4 mixed-British. 张柏芝中国,1/4英混血。
- Mr. CHAN Shi is carving the seals. 禅石先生在篆刻。
- Cheung Yun, we say, no body wants a litterbug. 你说没人喜欢小虫吗;当然啦.