- Shaw was an artist with a difference. 萧是个与众不同的艺术家啊。
- Shaw's novel has undergone quite a sea change. 肖伯纳的小说已经有了很重大的变化。
- Bernard shaw( who write many play) die in1950. 肖伯纳(他写了许多剧本)逝世于1950年。
- Mr. Shaw made no immediate answer. 萧先生没有立即回答。
- George Bernard Shaw was well-known by his initials GBS. 人们对萧伯纳姓名的首字母GBS非常熟悉。
- Hung is the drill master on Chai Chin's estate. 洪教头是柴进家里的一个武术教师。
- Yan Chai Hospital Tung Chi Ying Memorial Secondary School 210 Ma On Shan Road, Ma On Shan, Shatin, N.T. 仁济医院董之英纪念中学新界沙田马鞍山马鞍山路210号。
- Jinggang Shan was the base of Red Army. 井冈山是红军的根据地。
- Shaw is an artist with a difference. 萧是个与中不同的艺术家啊。
- Wan Chai district - its relics and legends. 湾仔区古迹与掌故。
- Tian Shan and Liu Bing are classmates. 田珊和刘冰是同班同学。
- I'm sure I don't want to criticize Bernard Shaw. 当然现在我不想批评萧伯纳。
- I shan t go out,however fine it is. 不管天气怎么好我也不出去。
- Wan Chai Reclamation Phase 2 is under planning. 湾仔填海工程第II期仍在规划中。
- Stacey: Doctor Chai, I'm really desperate. 蔡医师,我真的感到很绝望。
- On Lok hot springs in the Guanling spent Mr Chai. 安乐温泉位于关岭花江乐安寨。
- Bernard Shaw is an excellent man. 萧伯纳是一个大好人。
- Zhai, lying Yunxuan, Han Qing Chai. 斋号卧云轩、汗青斋。
- Ma Jun and Hu Shan are in the park, too. 马军和胡山也在公园里。
- Bernard Shaw was an excellent man. 萧伯纳是一个大好人。