- Objective Evaluate the value of the diagnosis of cervical lesion by CCT. 目的评价计算机辅助细胞检测系统(CCT)对子宫颈病变的诊断价值。
- HPV types 16, 58, 52, 33 and 31 are more common in cervical lesions, the major pathogenic types were HPV 16, 33 and 31. 本地区宫颈病变的常见型别是HPV16、58、52、33和31型,HPV16、33和31型是HSIL的主要致病型。
- To explore the relationship between viral load of HPV and the grade of cervical lesions. 随着病毒负荷量增加,宫颈病变发生,率增加,其病变程度也越重。
- Objective To evaluate the clinical significance of TCT combined with colposcopy in the diagnosis of cervical lesions. 摘要目的评价新柏氏液基细胞学检查配合阴道镜检查对子宫颈病变的诊断价值及其临床意义。
- Objective:To observe the effect of loop electrosurgical excision procedure in cervical lesions. 目的:观察宫颈电热圈环切术治疗宫颈病变的临床效果。
- HPV 16 was the most common type which accounted for 33.3% (154/463), the HPV16 infection rates increased with the severity of cervical lesions(P<0.05). HPV16在宫颈病变患者中的检出率最高为33.;3%25(154/463);与病变程度相关(P<0
- Conclusions Colposcope could detect early stage of pre-cancerous lesions, and is an effective assay in cervical lesion screening. 结论阴道镜检查能及早发现宫颈癌前病变,是筛查宫颈病变的一项很有价值的方法。
- Methods The colposcopy results of 240 cases with cervical lesions from October 2005 to October 2007 were analyzed retrospectively. 方法对2005年10月-2007年10月240例宫颈病患者的阴道镜检查结果进行回顾性分析。
- Furthermore, we found that HPV-positive dysplastic and tumorigenic cervical lesions were characterized by high levels of EZH2 protein in vivo. 并且,研究发现,HPV阳性的发育异常的以及致瘤颈损伤以EZH2的高表达为特征。
- Objective To evaluate diagnostic value of thinprep cytology test technology(TCT) for HPV infection in screening of cervical lesions. 目的评价薄层液基细胞学技术诊断人乳头瘤病毒感染在宫颈病变筛查中的诊断价值。
- Objective: To better the traditional papanicolaou test and explore a new experimental way screening for cervical lesion in the primary laboratory. 目的:改良、优化传统巴氏涂片法,探索适合基层实验室宫颈癌病变的筛查方法。
- In 353 women referred for colposcopy because of abnormal cervical smears, HR-HPV clearance preceded regression of cervical lesions by an average of three months. 在353名因子宫颈抹片异常而接受阴道镜检者的妇女中,HR-HPV平均在子宫颈损害恢复前三个月被清除。
- Anomalous vertebral arteries should be included in the differential diagnosis of the upper cervical lesion of unknown origin. 椎动脉畸形应该作为不明原因上颈椎病变的鉴别诊断。
- Objective To assess the clinical value of Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance(ASCUS) in the detection of cervical lesion. 目的评价ASCUS在子宫颈病变中的临床应用价值。
- Conclusion:The treatment of cervical lesions with loop electrosurgical excision procedure has obvious effect,which is easy to operate and worth of application. 结论:宫颈电环切术治疗宫颈病变疗效显著,操作简单安全,患者痛苦少,值得推广应用。
- It is noted that HPV infection may result in high proliferating activity of the cervical epithelia as well as boostering carcinogenesis of the cervical lesion. 结论:HPV感染可使宫颈上皮细胞获得较高的增殖活性,也可能通过促进细胞的过度增殖活性而致癌变。
- The decreased expression of TSP-1 in cervical lesions may be involved in cervical cancer angiogenesis. TSP-1 and MVD may be used as biomarkers in the screening,diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer. TSP-1低表达可能参与了子宫颈癌血管生成过程,联合检测TSP-1和MVD可能在子宫颈癌的早期筛查、诊断、治疗中具有一定意义。
- Transcervical resection of cervical lesion 宫腔镜宫颈病变电切术
- Transcervical resection of cervical lesion(TCRC) 波姆光
- High frequency electric knife used in cervical lesions 高频电波刀在宫颈病变的应用