- The Dalai Lama wrote articles praising Goinbo Zhaxi. 达赖撰文对公布扎西大肆赞扬。
- Cering Zhoigar, 21, female, Tibetan ethnic group, from Xigaze, Tibet. 次仁卓嗄, 21 ,女,藏族族群,从日喀则,西藏。
- The eye is bull, the eye cere is small, unobtrusive and almost white. 眼睛是牛市,眼脑小,但张扬,几乎是白人。
- Elder brothers please teach me how to prevent rust,cere or oil????????? 请教各位老大怎样防锈,用蜡还是用油?????????
- Als die Tibeterin Cering Wangmo um 9 Uhr 18Ortszeit den Gipfel erreichte, brach dort Jubel aus. 当西藏人次仁旺姆在当地时间9点18分成功到达顶峰时,现场一片欢呼。
- Cering Sodom is a typical Tibetan herdsmen, she is now looking forward to enter the domestic market. 泽仁多玛是一位典型的藏牧民,她如今期待着打入国内市场。
- The last of the five torchbearers, Cering Wangmo, hoisted the sacred flame at the world\'s highest summit. 第五棒,最后一棒火炬手、次仁旺姆(女)在珠峰顶峰举起手中熊熊燃烧火炬。
- The figures were given Wednesday by Nyima Cering, the vice chairman of Tibet's regional parliament. 西藏自治区人大常委副主任尼玛次仁星期三提供了这一数字。
- Among them, Nyima Cering, a resident of the Xueju neighborhood in Lhasa, is a regular visitor to the annual event. 在他们中间,有一位来自拉萨附近的雪居的市民NyimaCering,每年都要来参加这项活动。
- IGF-1 takes part in the pathophysiological procedure of acute cere bral infarction. IGF-1参与了急性脑梗死的病理生理过程。
- Objective To investigate neuronal DNA damage a nd the regulation of Bcl-2after cere bral ischemia and reperfusion. 目的研究脑缺血再灌注(IR)后神经元DNA损伤及Bcl-2的调控作用。
- Every year at the time of Winter Solstice, the cere monies were held on the Circular Mound Alter. 每年的冬至那天,在寰丘台上举行仪式。
- The hi ghest occurred rate of EP was in the patients whose bleeding focus being in cere bra cortex (P<0.01). 以出血灶位于大脑皮质者EP发生率最高(P<0.;01);
- Nying Cering and his family now have 1.7hectares of farmland, six cow, two horses, a dozens goats, and a four wheel multipurpose tractor. 今天的尼玛次仁和他的家。尼玛次仁家现有26亩地,养有6头奶牛、2匹马、十几只羊,还买了一辆四轮多功能拖拉机。
- Pictured here is Sun speaking at the book's launching cere held by Commonwealth magazine. 图为孙资政在天下杂志社举办的新书发表会上致词。
- Antisepsis technics: cavity pours cere, combined tow-size-galvanized steel-plated, it can antisepses in long time. 防腐工艺:空腔注蜡,结合双面镀锌钢板,实现多年防腐穿;
- Do you love and cere about me?If your answer is not at all,let us live our own life and break up. 你还爱着我关心着我麽?
- Objective To study a new thrombolytic therapy of acute cere bral infarction by combined use of urokinase(UK) and protaglandin E 1(PGE 1). 目的 研究探索联合溶栓剂尿激酶 (Urokinase ,UK)和前列腺素E1(ProtaglandinE1,PGE1)对急性脑梗死患者进行静脉溶栓的临床疗效观察。
- The fifth and last torchbearer, Cering Wangmo, stood on the peak with her torch while another 18 team members unfurled Chinese, Olympic and Beijing Olympic flags. 当第五棒即最后一棒火炬手、藏族女队员次仁旺姆手持火炬来到珠峰峰顶,另外18名队员一起高举国旗、奥运五环旗和北京奥运会会旗。
- Some 5,000 people attended Wednesday's flag-raising activity. Among them, Nyima Cering, a resident of the Xueju neighborhood in Lhasa, is a regular visitor to the annual event. 约有5000人参加了星期三举行的升国旗活动。在他们中间,有一位来自拉萨附近的雪居的市民NyimaCering,每年都要来参加这项活动。