- Cerebral surgical care 脑外科
- Air transport of persons to a place where they can receive medical or surgical care; medical evacuation. 臣务救助和撤退用飞机运送伤员去一个他们能受到内科或外科治疗的地方; 医务救助
- Air transport of persons to a place where they can receive medical or surgical care;medical evacuation. 臣务救助和撤退用飞机运送伤员去一个他们能受到内科或外科治疗的地方;医务救助
- A medical institution where sick or injured people are given medical or surgical care. 病人或受伤的人能得到内科的或外科的治疗的医疗机构。
- We believe this success has proved that we are on the verge of a new age in surgical care". 我们认为这一成功事例已证明我们正处在一个外科处理新时代的边缘。”
- The World Health Organization says preventable injuries and deaths from surgical care are a growing concern. 世界卫生组织说,外科手术照顾造成的可防止的伤害和死亡越来越引起关注。
- Surgical Care: Since its inception, surgical compartmentalization of the atria, or the MAZE procedure, has evolved as an exciting procedure with a potential to cure AF. 手术护理:从发展到现在,心房区域化手术,以及心房迷宫手术已经成为治疗房颤的重要手段。
- Results.Classification modifiers (lordosis, subluxation, sagittal balance) were found to have significant variation (higher rates) in surgical care as the grade of the modifier increased. 结果:修正的分类标准(脊柱前凸、半脱位、失状平衡)发现作为外科手术关注的修正登记的提高有着显著性差异。
- One post from a trusted surgeon blogger, he says, now has a far more immediate impact on improving surgical care globally than a peer-reviewed trial published in a prestigious journal. 他称,与一篇经过同行审议,发表于著名学术杂志上的文章相比,一个值得信耐的外科医生写的博文更能对全球手术护理的改进产生及时的影响。
- You can do it this way if you care to. 如果你乐意的话,可以这样做。
- Cerebral palsy is a terrible disabler. 脑性麻痹是使人残废的可怕病因。
- The hospital imported some surgical instruments. 医院进口了一些外科器械。
- Surgical removal of part or all of the uterus. 子宫切除术将子宫的全部或部分通过外科手术切除
- It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children. 照顾她兄弟的孩子似乎成了她一生的使命。
- Surgical removal of all or part of a lung. 肺切除术,肺部分切除术对整个或部分肺的外科手术切除
- I don't care a brass farthing where you go. 你上哪儿去,我才不管呢!
- I don't care whether I get it or not. 我不在乎我是否可以得到它。
- Do you really care nothing about your future? 你真的一点也不关心你的将来?
- Surgical removal of part of the iris of the eye. 虹膜切除术手术切除部分虹膜
- Surgical removal of a nerve or part of a nerve. 神经切除神经或其一部分的外科节除手术