- In AIS patients and healthy controls,the mean position of the cerebellar tonsil was 0.9 and 2.9 mm above the BO line,respectively. AIS患者的小脑扁桃体平均位置明显低于对照组(分别为枕骨大孔上0.;9mm和2
- Results.A total of 42% of subjects in the AIS group had the cerebellar tonsillar tip positioned 1 mm below the BO line. 结果.;在AIS组总共有42%25的受试者其小脑扁桃体尖端位于McRae线下1毫米
- The cerebellar tonsillar leel in AIS subjects was significantly lower than the median tonsillar leel in normal controls (P <0.01). AIS组受试者的小脑扁桃体位置明显低于正常对照组的中位数水平(P<0.;01)
- There were 28 patients had been treated surgically after exacerbation. 22 cases had a good prognosis and 5 cases died of cerebellar tonsillar herniation. 本组有30例在病情恶化后接受手术治疗。22例术后恢复良好,4例因枕骨大孔疝而死亡。
- A MRI study between space-occupied lesions of the posterior fossa and the position of cerebellar tonsil 颅后凹占位性病变对小脑扁桃体位置影响的MRI研究
- An operation is needed to remove your tonsil. 需要进行手术摘除你的扁桃体。
- resection of the cerebellar tonsils 脊髓空洞症
- Cerebellar tonsil 小脑扁桃体
- Mouth Cavity: including tonsil, decayed tooth etc. 口腔科:含扁桃体、龋齿等。
- An operation be needed to remove your tonsil . 需要进行手术摘除你的扁桃体。
- An operation is needed to removeyour tonsil. 需要进行手术摘除你的扁桃体。
- What did one tonsil say to the other? 一只扁桃体对另一只扁桃体说什么?
- How does children tonsil inflammation do? 小儿扁桃体炎症怎么办?
- Can be dot tonsil agnail caused blast a dry cough? 小孩子扁桃体发炎会引起阵阵干咳吗?
- Is tonsil phlogistic how to treat? 扁桃体炎如何治疗?
- Spongy appearance shows in cerebral and cerebellar cortex. 大体--脑呈海绵状改变,皮质、基底节和脊髓萎缩变性。
- Conclusion: Cerebellar tumor in the early stage tends to be. 目的:总结小脑肿瘤误诊的常见原因,以提高本病的早期确诊率。
- Tonsil: Small mass of lymphoid tissue in the wall of the pharynx. 扁桃腺:咽喉壁内的淋巴组织小团。
- Tonsil: Small mass of lymphoid tissue in the wall of the pharynx. 扁桃腺:咽喉壁内的淋巴组织小团。
- To evaluate the early diagnosis ways of the tonsil mycosis. 目的 :探讨扁桃体真菌病的早期诊断方法。