- Hundreds of large trucks are barricaded outside the entire perimeter of Central Election Commission headquarters. 数百辆大型卡车组成路障,围住整个中央选举委员会的建筑。
- It turns out the politics, at least in Taiwan, is a full contact sport. Members got into a brawl Friday over a proposal to change the country's Central Election Commission. 政治完全是一场交际活动,至少在台湾是这样的。星期五,政治议员们由于一项建议改革“国家中央选举委员会"的提议,相互谩骂争吵。
- But a Russian Central Election Commission official, Nikolai Konkin, says a sampling of 400,000 signatures filed by Kasyanov shows more than 15 percent are inadmissible. 但是,俄罗斯中央选举委员会的官员孔金说,在抽样检查了卡西亚诺夫递交的40万个签名后,发现有超过15%25的签名是无效的。
- With 92.5% of the ballots counted, Mr Putin has secured an unassailable lead with a 52.4% share of the vote, according to the Central Election Commission. 选举委员会表示,尽管选票只统计了92.;5%25,普京已获得了52
- But the Central Election Commission said the opposition was welcome to submit proof of its allegations of vote-rigging, and added that an official count would be complete by next Sunday. 但是中央选举委员会说,欢迎反对派提供所谓的操纵选举的证据,并补充说,截至下周日,将会成立一个官方法庭。
- The Central Elections Commission 中央选举委员会
- Central Election Commission 中央选举委员会
- The Election Commission, however, overruled him, upholding an earlier postponement until August. 但选举委员会却拒绝了他的请求,坚持按照先前的提议,延期到八月举行。
- Several members of the election commission that oversaw the voting were sent to jail. 选举委员会的几个监督选举的成员已经被送入监狱。
- The Election Commission in Afghanistan says President Karzai now has 54% of the votes in the presidential poll. 阿富汗选举委员会称,现任总统卡尔扎伊现在在总统选举中获得了54%25的选票。
- One is to fight another legal battle with the Election Commission against Gen Musharraf's candidacy. 一个是通过法律途径与选举委员会做斗争质疑穆沙拉夫的候选资格。
- He says some voters wrongly accused Indonesia's election commission of graft in 2004 and attacked election staff. 他说,一些选民错误地指责印尼选举委员会在2004年舞弊,并攻击选举部门的工作人员。
- The election commission says a record 85 percent of eligible voters went to the polls. 选举委员会表示,85%25的合格选民参加了投票,创下历史记录。
- The Federal Election Commission is an independent regulatory agency charged with administering and enforcing federal campaign finance law. 联邦选举委员会是一个独立的监管机构,负责管理和执行联邦竞选财务法。
- For example, a new Election Commission, appointed with little dissent in the turmoil shortly before the coup, faces accusations of partiality. 例如,一个新的选举委员会,就在政变之前的骚乱中在很少的反对意见中被任命,如今面临着偏袒一方的指控。
- Days before it was due to take power, t-he main parties broke pff talks over who should head both it and the country's election commission. 在接掌权力之前,主要的政党讨论不停地讨论谁应该处理国家的选举事务。
- "Tomorrow morning the IEC (Independent Election Commission) and ECC will meet together to establish a procedure to implement the decision," he said. “独立选委会和选举投诉委员会明天早晨将举行会晤,确立施行这项决定的程序。”
- I recall walking into the central election warehouse (where the voting machines are stored and the precinct vote tallies are combined) in Broward County, Florida, when it was being used for a recount in December 2002. 我曾到过弗罗里达州布劳瓦郡的中央选务仓库(存放投票机和合计选区计票结果的地方),这里在2002年12月时曾被用来重新计票。
- But nobody has leveled credible charges of deliberate manipulation, as opposed to incompetence by the independent election commission. 但没人对故意操纵选举提出同对独立选举委员会不作为一样可信赖的指控。
- Sabah DAP will be setting up stations all over the State to assist SPR or the Election Commission to register these new eligible voters. 沙巴民主行动党已经在全沙巴州设立了登记服务台,以协助选举委员会注册所有合格的新选民。