- Central African Monetary Union 中非货币同盟
- UMOA West African Monetary Union 西非货币联盟
- West African Monetary Union 西非货币联盟
- He has changed his stance on monetary union. 他已经改变了对货币联盟的态度。
- Central African Republic (ICSID Case No. 下一篇文章: Shareholders of SESAM v.
- There are deep divisions in the party over European monetary union. 党内在欧洲货币同盟问题上存在巨大分歧。
- Central African Republic becomes independent from France. 1958年,中非共和国脱离法兰西独立。
- There is now a clearer alternative to the US dollar than before monetary union. 欧洲货币联盟的诞生,为我们带来美元以外的一项明显选择。
- The European Commission made its first concrete proposal on monetary union. 欧盟委员会做的第一个具体建议就是货币的统一了。
- WAEMU West African Economic and Monetary Union 西非经济与货币联盟
- West African Economic and Monetary Union 西非经济货币联盟
- China appreciates the adherence to the one-China policy by the government of the Central African Republic. 我们赞赏中非政府坚持奉行一个中国的政策
- If you merely want exchange rate stability, forming a monetary union is definitely overkill. 要是组建一个货币联盟仅仅是为了求得汇率的稳定,那显然是小题大做了。
- But the trouble has instead spread into neighbouring Chad and the Central African Republic, to the west and south-west. 而战乱却波及到了邻国乍得与中非共和国,并向西与西南面蔓延过去。
- With euro bills and coins now circulating across much of Europe, the European Monetary Union is fully in place. 随着欧元的纸币和硬币在欧洲大部分地区的流通,欧洲货币联盟已经成形。
- The Central African Republic political, economic, social and health crises feed into and aggravate one another. 中非共和国的政治、经济、社会和卫生危机互相推动和加剧。
- A fully operational European Monetary Union does not come, however, with a guarantee of success. 但是,对于成功的承诺并不意味着欧洲货币联盟的政策完全具有可操作性。
- The 2001 - 2003 conflicts have left deep physical and mental scars on the people of the Central African Republic. 2001-2003年的冲突为中非共和国的人民留下了深深的身心创伤。
- Monetary union and the Maastricht inflation criterion: the accession countries; F. Gulcin Ozkan et al. 货币联盟与马斯垂克通胀标准:欧盟候选国。
- Wen Jiabao noted that there are still potentials to be taped for the economic and trade cooperation between China and the Central African Republic. 温家宝指出,中国与中非的经贸合作仍有潜力