- Cathayanthe bifloran. 扁蒴苣苔
- The contents of oleanilc acid in Micromeria biflora from different districts of Yunnan province were determined fastly and accurately with a TLC-Scan method. 建立了测定姜味草中齐墩果酸的薄层色谱扫描方法,该法前处理简单、方便,测定快速、准确,可用于姜味草质量标准。
- Micromeria biflora benth. 姜味草
- Keywords Micromeria biflora;Oleanlic acid;Determination.; 姜味草;齐墩果酸;含量测定;
- Determination of Oleanlic Acid in Micromeria biflora from Different Districts of Yunnan Province 云南不同产地姜味草中齐墩果酸的含量测定
- Keywords Micromeria biflora benth.;Essential oil;Steam distillation;Supercritical CO2 extraction;GC-MS; 姜味草;挥发油;水蒸汽蒸馏;超临界CO2萃取;气相色谱-质谱法;
- Cathayanthen. 扁蒴苣苔属
- Sect. Bifloran. 双花组
- Lysimachia bifloran. 双花香草
- Litosanthes bifloran. 石核木
- Microtropis bifloran. 双花假卫矛
- Potentilla bifloran. 双花委陵菜
- Viola bifloran. 双花堇菜
- Deyeuxia bifloran. 两花野青茅
- Impatiems biflora 二花凤仙
- impatiens biflora [医] 二花凤仙
- Aniseia bifloran. 心萼薯
- abelia biflora 六道木; n.;六道木
- Begonia bifloran. 双花秋海棠
- Galatella bifloran. 盘花乳菀