- Category IVF 范畴IVF
- A category, especially an overly restrictive one. 分类,类别分类,尤指受过度限制分类
- The strings are a category of musical instruments. 弦乐器是乐器的一种。
- Dealing with a more restricted category. 小(项)的; 小前提的与一个更严格的类别有关的
- A specific, often oversimplified category. 分类特定的、通常是粗略的分类
- Yes, I worked for producing the IVF embryos. 是的,我在那里生产试管胚胎。
- Factors of early spontaneous abortion in IVF?ET. IVF-ET中自然流产的相关因素分析
- She conceived without the help of IVF. 她没有作人工受孕。
- A category created for purposes of competition, as in boxing. 分类项目为比赛目的而分的级,如在拳击比赛中
- The catalogue list product by category. 目录按种类列出产品。
- We can lump all these items into one category. 我们可以把这些项目都归并成一类。
- They misplaced this book under another category. 他们把它错放到另一个类别去了。
- There are, of course, some disadvantages to promoting IVF. 当然,促进试管授精还有一些负面影响。
- These goods all fall within this category. 这些货物都属于这一类。
- The next category shows capital account. 下一类是资本项目。
- However,the research is currently limited by IVF legislation. 但研究目前仍受体外生育规定的限制。
- Edits the selected category or code item. 编辑选定的类别或代码项目。
- Volare was in that same category. 伏拉雷也是同样的货色。
- Minimal Stimulation IVF Offers More Comfortable Experience. 微刺激IVF让受孕过程更舒适。
- Price range and fabric category. 按价格的范围和面料的种类划分。