- Catch up and surpass strategy 赶超战略
- catching up and surpassing strategy 赶超思想
- Backwardness must be recognized before it can be changed. One must learn from the advanced before he can catch up and surpass them. 认识落后,才能去改变落后;学习先进,才有可能赶超先进。
- We are striving to catch up with and surpass advanced world levels. 我们正努力赶超世界先进水平。
- We must catch up with and surpass advanced world levels. 我们必须赶超世界先进水平。
- They were to catch up and begin the march at daybreak. 他们将准备好牲口在破晓时出发。
- The war is merciless. It either causes a country to be extinct to catch up with and surpass the advanced country in economy. 战争总是铁面无情的,或是灭亡,或是在经济方面赶上并超过先进国家。
- One must learn from those who are more advanced before he can catch up with and surpass them. 学习先进,才有可能赶超先进。
- In catching up and surpassing the world's advanced levels, the key factor is time. Time means Life,time means speed, and time means strength. 赶超世界先进水平;关键是时间.;时间就是生命;时间就是速度;时间就是力量
- Our team must catch up with and surpass the advanced world levels of basketball. 我们球队一定要赶上和超过世界篮球水平。
- Catch up The mugger caught the wallet up and fled. 盗匪抢夺皮夹而逃逸。
- In order to catch up with and surpass the advanced world levels we'll have to accelerate our speed. 要赶超世界先进水平, 我们还得快马加鞭。
- Development in the basic sciences is extremely rapid, but to catch up with and surpass the world-class research institutes is a difficult task. 基础科学前沿发展极快,要赶上去,而且要超越世界级的研究中心,不是容易的事。
- Ian catches up and overtakes Tom. 伊恩赶上了,超过了汤姆。
- Development in the basic sciences is extremely rapid,but to catch up with and surpass the world-class research institutes is a difficult task. 基础科学前沿发展极快,要赶上去,而且要超越世界级的研究中心,不是容易的事。
- He caught up and walked in stride with her. 他急忙赶上去,同她并肩走着。
- Of course,it will take a considerable period of time for the value of our national output per capita to catch up with and surpass that of the developed capitalist countries. 至于国民生产总值按人口平均数赶上和超过发达的资本主义国家,那当然需要相当长的时间。
- Of course, it will take a considerable period of time for the value of our national output per capita to catch up with and surpass that of the developed capitalist countries. 至于国民生产总值按人口平均数赶上和超过发达的资本主义国家,那当然需要相当长的时间。
- Specific to art education, 'to catch up with and surpass advanced world levels of art education' has found a nominal end, and is actually only 'instrumentalism' and 'enslavement'. 都使中国当前的艺术教育、特别是高等艺术教育遭遇了前所未有的危机。
- Thought of catching up and surpassing 赶超思想