- Catatonic posturing 紧张症体态
- He enjoys posturing in front of an audience. 他喜欢在观众面前装腔作势。
- Her liberal views were soon revealed as mere posturing. 她那些开明的观点很快地就暴露出只不过是做做样子而已。
- Stop posturing in front of that mirror. 别在镜子前摆姿势了。
- I asked one of the nurses why Katherine was catatonic. 我问一个护士为什么凯瑟琳会得了紧张性精神分裂症。
- Bless for you , posturing as a stranger. 为你许下祝福,以一个陌生人的姿态。
- Stop posturing in front of that mirror and listen to me. 别对着那面镜子摆姿势了,听我的吧。
- Medivh fell into a catatonic state which lasted for many years. 麦迪文因此陷入了长达数年的昏睡。
- The posturing before the cameras on both sides repelled me. 双方在摄像机前装腔作势的姿态使我感到作呕。
- Stop posturing in front of that mirror and listen to me! 别对著那面镜子摆样子了,听我的吧!
- In normal times, this might be dismissed as so much posturing. 一般情况下,这样的大拿姿态可能会遭非议。
- Climate change, on the other hand, is producing posturing. 另一方面,双方在气候变化问题上将表明立场。
- Most in chronic period,simple type,catatonic type and male patients. 12%25,多见于慢性期、单纯型、紧张型及男性。
- However, others were not buying his political posturing. 然而其他人却不理会他的政治主张。
- So far, however, all this smacks of political posturing. 然而目前所有这些都带有些政治作秀的意味。
- The posturing before the camera on bothe sides repelled me. 双方在摄像机前装腔作势的姿态令我作呕。
- The posturing before the camera on both sides repelled me. 双方在摄像机前装腔作势的姿态令我作呕。
- For all his posturing, Osmund Saddler is actually pretty stupid. 私底下我都把塞得勒的愚蠢都怪在那一点里。。。。
- Some masters of martial arts teach you a lot of posturing. 有的大师教你许多的功夫姿势。
- CHA 0 means that the character is withdrawn into a catatonic, coma like stupor, helpless. 魅力为0时角色会因为精神极度紧张而昏迷不醒。