- Castanopsis argyrophyllan. 银叶锥
- The species Castanopsis hupehensis C. 湖北锥 Castanopsis hupehensis C.
- Castanopsis fissa Rehd. et Wils. 黧蒴锥
- Furniture made of castanopsis sclerophylla is durable. 用苦槠木做的家具挺耐用。
- Cathaya argyrophylla and Tsuga longibracteata mixed forest in the northern part of Yuecheng Ling, Hunan Provinc. 湖南省越城岭北部罗汉洞的银杉与长苞铁杉混交林.
- Does Fine-root Litter of Castanopsis carlesii and Cunninghamia lanceolata Decompose Fastest in Its Own Community? 米槠与杉木细根凋落物是否在自身群落中分解得更快?
- Cathaya argyrophylla found in China, and has been listed as the 20th century's Baiyun International shocked the entire plant academia. 银杉在我国发现,还被列为20世纪的国际珍闻,轰动整个植物学界。
- Description of the Form of the Symbiont Formed by the Roots of Castanopsis hystrix and Russula spp. 红菇与红锥形成的根共生体形态的描述。
- Species Diversity of Castanopsis eyrei Community at the Tiantai Mountain of Zhejiang Province. 浙江天台山甜槠群落物种多样性。
- Abstract: Guangxi special commmercial wood are all rare and specious precies;Among 14 species, only cathaya argyrophylla is coniferous, and the others are all broadleaf species. 文摘:广西特类材是稀珍树种的木材,今列出14种,除银杉是针叶材外,其余为阔叶材,木材从重硬至很重硬,可作特殊用途。
- A large evergreen tree(Castanopsis chrysophylla) of the Pacific Coast of North America. 锥栗北美洲沿太平洋海岸所产的一种常绿大树(锥栗属金叶树)
- Yearly fluctuation of seed production of Cathaya argyrophylla showed that on-year and off-year were obvious, generally 2-3 off-years followed by 1-2 on-years. 银杉结实量的年际波动很大,具有明显的大小年之分,一般在2-3个小年之后为1-2个大年。
- There are 3 genera including 33 species of Fagaceae in Tibet,Castanopsis with 7,Lithocarpus 11,Quercus 15(subg. 自然分布的西藏壳斗科植物,共3属33种,集中分布于藏东南的河谷地带和喜马拉雅山脉的聂拉木县。
- Guangxi special commmercial wood are all rare and specious precies;Among 14 species, only cathaya argyrophylla is coniferous, and the others are all broadleaf species. 广西特类材是稀珍树种的木材,今列出14种,除银杉是针叶材外,其余为阔叶材,木材从重硬至很重硬,可作特殊用途。
- Aboveground net pri- mary productivity for a Castanopsis fargesii stand is 13.7 t/ha. a,of which 4.0t/ha. 栲树林地上部分净第一性生产力约等于13.;7t/ha·a;
- The main protected objects of Dashahe nature reserve are rare with endangered animal and plant population of Cathaya argyrophylla and Prebytis francoisi. 贵州道真大沙河自然保护区是以银杉、黑叶猴等珍稀濒危动植物物种种群及其自然生境为主要保护对象的野生生物类自然保护区。
- Title: Soil properties and water holding capacities of Michelia macclurei,Schima superba and Castanopsis fissa stands. 关键词:阔叶纯林;水源涵养;土壤物理性质;养分;微生物;酶活性
- The result shows that the mycorrhiza formed by the symbiosing roots of Castanopsis hystrix and Russula spp. 红菇与红锥的根共生形成的菌根属外生菌根,分叉形状为单轴状,颜色呈浅黄褐色,菌根表面呈波纹状突起。
- Castanopsis this piece of natural forests have been 200 years of history, the average height 26 meters. 这片天然栲树林已有200多年历史,平均树高26米。
- Castanopsis hystrix is one of the important planting tree species of south subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. 摘要红锥是南亚热带地区优良的珍贵乡土阔叶造林树种。