- SEM observations show that the fatigue cracks initiate dominantly on the surface and/or at cast defects near the surface, and propagate in transgranular manner. 疲劳裂纹主要萌生于试样表面或近表面缺陷处,以穿晶方式扩展;
- This simulating technology could give powerful support for aiding the design of foundry technology,optimizing foundry process and analyzing the cast defects. 该技术在辅助铸造工艺设计,优化工艺方案以及缺陷分析等方面可以提供有力的支持。
- It was shown that the maraging steel cast exhibited a higher strength, which was controlled by the casting defects in it. 结果表明,马氏体时效钢铸件热处理后强度较高,受制于其内部铸造缺陷。
- Failure of cast aluminiuin alloy box was analysed by metallographic and fractographic analysis, and cast defect anti variation of cross section thickness were identified as main causes of failure. 通过金相及电镜断口分析,确定箱体失效系铸造缺陷和几何截面差过大所致。
- The applications show that the software can aid technologists to optimize cast process by forecasting casting defects arising during mold filling and solidification processes. 并给出了华铸CAE软件在特种铸造中的一些应用实例,应用表明该软件能够准确地预测铸件在充型凝固过程中所产生的缺陷,从而辅助工艺人员进行工艺优化,指导实际铸件生产。
- Low expansion resin is, prevents from casting defects, especially veining and hot tear caused from thermal expansion. 低膨胀树脂对解决铸造缺陷,特别是对毛刺、热裂尤为有效。
- The incidence of casting defect is higher in the clasp and minor connecter,mandibular than maxillary. 义齿各部位出现铸造缺陷机率:卡环小连接体处较高,下颌高于上颌。
- Important measures to eliminate casting defects and improve cutting performance of castings can be done by adding suitable inoculants. 用合适的孕育剂进行孕育是消除铸件铸造缺陷和改善铸件切削性能的重要措施。
- By numerically simulating the cast process, this paper gets the regulation of temperature field varying during the cast process and of cooling velocity distributing in cast, predict the microstructures and casting defects. 通过对铸造过程进行数值模拟,得出浇铸过程中的温度场变化规律以及冷却速度在铸件上的分布规律,预测了铸件的微观组织和铸造缺陷。
- It assures casting quality; kerosene is less viscous than water thus will locate a casting defect more readily than other test fluids. 确保铸件质量。煤油的粘性比水小,因此比其他测试流体更容易定位铸件的缺陷位置。
- Large thick-section ductile Iron housing easily produces casting defects such as shrinkage cavity, shrinkage porosity,graphite floating and spheroidizing decay. 大型厚断面球墨铸铁件在铸造过程中极易产生缩孔、缩松、石墨漂浮及球化衰退等铸造缺陷。
- Iron smelting and spheroidizing,casting defects prevention should be controlled effectively.Finally,the paper discusses how to apply it to the actual production. 对铸铁熔炼、球化处理及铸造缺陷的防止等方面提出了控制措施;并应用于实际生产.
- This new process is suitable for mending the casting defects, worn surface, spalling and scratching of various forming dies, hot forging dies and plastic moulds. 这种技术适用于修补成型模具、热锻压模具及各种塑料模具的铸造缺陷、磨损、小面积局部剥落、损伤、划沟等。
- That volcano cast forth lots of lava and ashes. 那火山喷了出大量熔岩和灰烬。
- There are three kinds of casting defects during the forming aluminizing layer by casting: oxide defects, wanting aluminizing and cracks in the intermetallic layer. 在铸造形成渗铝层过程中,主要会出现氧化物缺陷、渗铝不充分、粘结层开裂三种形式的铸造缺陷。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- In this paper experiences of technicians and experts in analyzing casting defects are quantized by use of the method known as Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). 本文采用不确定型AHP,实现了铸造缺陷的定量分析。
- He cast a furtive glance at her. 他偷偷瞥了她一眼。
- He is cast in his father's mold. 他长得和他父亲一模一样。
- Based on analogic theory, hydraulic model was founded to choose the optimum gating system for prevention from casting defects including gas hole and misrun. 水力模拟依据相似理论,建立水力模型,选出最佳浇注系统,防止吸气、浇不足等缺陷;