- Cassiope abbreviatan. 短梗岩须
- M. charantia Var. abbreviata Ser. 癞葡萄
- Momordica charantia L. Var. Abbreviata Ser. 癞葡萄
- To evaluation the indices for the diabetes preventing and curing functionality of saponin in the Momordica. charantia Var. abbreviata Ser. 以血糖值为评价指标,以小鼠为动物模型,对癞葡萄皂甙的降血糖作用进行了探讨。
- Momordica charantia L. Vat. abbreviata Ser 癞葡萄
- Momordica. charantia Var. abbreviata Ser 癞葡萄
- Licmophora abbreviata var. rostratan. 短纹楔形藻喙状变种
- Bulbochaete tenuis var. abbreviatan. 纤细毛鞘藻短缩变种
- Dinophysis caudata var. abbreviatan. 具尾鳍藻短齿变种
- Nitzschia macilenta f. abbreviatan. 瘦菱形藻短胞变型
- seed oil of Momordica charantia L. Var. abbreviata Ser 癞葡萄籽油
- Momordica charantia L. Var. abbreviata Ser. seed oil 癞葡萄籽油
- wuzhishana Lin et Yang sp. nov., B. (Sinodacus) hochii (Zia), B. (Zeugodacus) abbreviata (Hardy), B. (Z.) wuzhishana Lin et Yang sp.;nov
- Cassiope argyrotrichan. 银毛岩须
- Cassiope pectinatan. 篦叶岩须
- Cassiope pulvinalisn. 垫状岩须
- Cassiopen. 岩须属;Computer Aided System for Scheduling;Information and Operation of Public Transport in Europe 在欧洲公共交通系统中用于调度、通知和实施的计算机辅助系统
- Cassiope dendrotrichan. 睫毛岩须
- Cassiope fastigiatan. 扫帚岩须
- Cassiope myosuroidesn. 鼠尾岩须