- Reproductive Biology of Carya Cathayensis Sarg. 山核桃生殖生物学研究
- The optimal reaction system of RAPD in ?Carya cathayensis? 山核桃RAPD反应体系的优化
- Ranting Carya Cathayensis Sarg. is easy, economical and beneficial. 我国山核桃(Carya cathayensis Sarg.;)
- Carya cathayensis has unisexual flowers born on the same tree. 山核桃为单性花,雌雄同株。
- Achievements and Measures of Increase Production of Carya cathayensis Sarg. 山核桃科研成就和增产措施
- The results indicated that the method of SDS was the most suitable one for Carya cathayensis genomic DNA isolation. 结果显示,SDS法更适合于山核桃基因组DNA的提取;
- Presently the low and unsteady yield is a main problem existing in Carya cathayensis prodution. 目前山核桃(Carya cathayensis Sarg.;) 生产中;存在的主要问题是产量不稳不高。
- The methods of CTAB, rapid CTAB, SDS and low pH medium were used for genomic DNA isolation of Carya cathayensis. 分别用SDS法、CTAB法、简易CTAB法及高盐低pH法提取山核桃干叶的基因组DNA并进行了检测比较。
- Carya cathayensis aphis and bacterial ulcer were found in these lower-altitude areas, especially in shady slope. 在该地低海拔处,尤其是在阴坡出现山核桃刻蚜和大面积细菌性溃疡病;
- RAPD Analysis on the Genetic Diversity of Carya cathayensis Germplasm Resources[J]. 引用该论文 郭传友;黄坚钦;王正加;方炎明.
- A mathematical simulation model of the annual output of Carya cathayensis in Linan County is establishecl in this paper. 本文利用昌化气象站27年的气象资料和临安县相应年份的山核桃产量资料,建立了该县山核桃年总产量的数学模拟模式。
- The results showsed that the contents of Mo,Cu,B,Co,Ni,Zn and Cr in rocks,soils and matrixes closely related to the growth of Carya Cathayensis. 研究表明:岩石、土壤、成土母质中的Mo、Cu、B、Co、N i、Zn、Cr等元素的丰度与宁国山核桃的生长发育密切相关;
- The factors that effected survival rate in Carya cathayensis grafting have been analysed by field test and methods of rnathematical analysis. 通过田间试验及数学分析方法 ,分析了山核桃嫁接成活的影响因子。
- Traditional management of Carya cathayensis is semi - wild extensive management,one tending only in on - year before seeding. 传统山核桃林分为半野生状态的粗放经营,仅在结实大年采果前林地劈山抚育1次。
- There was no Carya cathayensis aphis in these areas, while trunk borer and burn ulcer become the main problems the local have faced. 在该地除少量的蛀干害虫外,没有见到山核桃刻蚜发生,但有大面积的日灼溃疡斑。
- Karyotypes of three Carya Nutt. species ( Carya illinoensis from America, Carya cathayensis from Zhejiang and Carya tonkinensis from Yunnan) were studied. 对山核桃属中的美国山核桃 Carya illinoensis、浙江山核桃 Carya cathayensis、云南山核桃 Carya tonkinensis的核型进行了研究 .
- Carya cathayensis Sarg. 山核桃
- Carya cathayensis starg. 山核桃
- Studying on the fat conversion of Carya cathayensis in the course of maturity, we get the result that the stage of fat accumulation during the fruit growth and development is between late July and mid September. 通过山核桃成熟过程中油脂变化规律的研究表明:山核桃果实生长发育过程中,七月下旬至九月中旬为油脂积累期。
- Experiment on regeneration of old Carya cathayensis forest by stumping sho-wed that the yield increased by 74%, mother culm increased the capability of sprouting leaderbranch by 16 times and 1.9 time for new tip increment of bearing branches. 通过对山核桃老林进行截干更新;结合综合处理;其产量增加74%25;主干萌发新主枝能力提高16倍;长果枝新梢生长量提高1.;9倍。