- Carola Dombeck 多姆贝克
- Contrast this item, Carola won again. 在此项目的对比中,卡罗拉再次获胜。
- Bracho Sandra Carola Michelle T. 主演:Yesenia Aguirre Richard A.
- Margarete Carola Wilhelmine ( - ). 结婚的Friedrich 王子冯 (-).
- Peter & Carola's new stylish home gave me a fresh feeling. 先是彼德和卡罗拉的新家带给我现代、时尚、实用的感觉。
- However, Carola than the Camry a lot of small, so only its shape. 但是因为卡罗拉比凯美瑞小很多,所以只是有其形。
- Comments: Carola winning a balanced interpretation of the truth! 点评:卡罗拉诠释了均衡致胜的道理!
- In the early days of the listing, as not many competitors, Carola high sales. 在上市之初,由于对手不多,卡罗拉的销量居高不下。
- Teng-speed, the Mazda 3, Carola, including Yue move could share the new Fox's market share. 速腾,马自达3,卡罗拉甚至包括悦动都有可能分享新福克斯的市场份额。
- Teng also speed the minimum ground clearance than Carola low 3.5 cm, by some weaker than Carola. 还有速腾的最小离地间隙比卡罗拉低3.;5厘米,通过性比卡罗拉较弱一些。
- The Shanghai Internet users are most concerned about is the model followed by Carola, the Roewe 550. 而上海网民最关注的车型依次是卡罗拉,荣威550。
- Carola engine is equipped with a surprise, but all the features of this car, this is only the tip of the iceberg. 配备卡罗拉发动机是一个惊喜,但对于这款车的所有特点而言,这只是冰山一角。
- Therefore, in the internal space in contrast, we believe that the superior Carola. 因此在内部空间的对比中,我们认为卡罗拉的更胜一筹。
- Carola width of the growth of more wide-body ratio of Chen Shui-bian, naturally more like a b-class models. 宽度的增长使卡罗拉的车身比例更显宽扁,自然也更像b级车型了。
- Speed prances , Carola , new triumphant strains are exceed , glorious strength 550, Fukesi, 6 buys a horse? 您的位置:我的知道>生活>购车养车>速腾,卡罗拉,新凯越,荣威550,福克斯,马6买哪辆?
- Carola is the selling point of the atmosphere, is a magic weapon tested in China. 大气是卡罗拉的卖点,也是在国内屡试不爽的法宝。
- With the recent nine gold silver market, ten of the season to come, Carola discount rate further amplification. 近期随着金九银十市场旺季的到来,卡罗拉的优惠幅度有进一步放大 的了 。
- More valuable is that Carola from the body, it is not hard to find with a number of new yaris or similar camry. 从这个角度看,悦动的外观还是比较成功的,相对于它的前辈,悦动具备了第一眼就能让人记住的实力。
- With the new Excelle, Yi Long and a number of new car to market, Carola are the days of less moisture. 随着新凯越、朗逸等一批新车的上市,卡罗拉的日子也没那么滋润了。
- Carola is a typical Japanese car, development is now the tenth-generation model, is a popular model. 卡罗拉是典型的日系车,发展至今已经是第十代车型,是一款广受欢迎的车型。