- How to Deal with the Many Forms of Career Panic 如何应付事业上的种种恐慌
- She dropped to her knees in a panic. 她在惶恐中跪下。
- He began his career as an apprentice. 他以当学徒开始他的职业生涯。
- On hearing the soft footsteps outside her room, she was seized with panic. 一听到门外有轻轻的脚步声,她惊慌失措。
- Lacks planning for career has no purpose or goals. 对自己的事业没有安排就没有目标和理想。
- The public scandal left a black mark on his career. 这一尽人皆知的丑闻给他的事业留下了污点。
- He was suddenly seized with panic. 他突然惊恐万分。
- He's already mapped out his whole future career. 他对自己未来的事业有了周详的计划。
- Rumours of an imminent earthquake startled a panic. 谣传即将发生地震引起了一阵恐慌。
- He will choose banking as his career. 他将选择银行业做为职业。
- The news threw the family into a panic. 这个消息使那一家人顿时陷入惊恐不安。
- Mr Grate just entered on a business career. 格罗特先生刚开始经商。
- The idea might panic the investors. 这个想法可能会使投资者惶恐不安。
- A career needs our devotion all our lives. 一项事业需要我们毕生的奉献。
- Love is sometimes put in range with a career. 人们往往认为爱情和事业是并驾齐驱的。
- He has serious aspirations to a career in politics. 他有从政的雄心壮志。
- He was on the threshold of his career. 他的事业刚刚起步。
- A state of cowardly fright; a panic. 惊恐胆怯的状态; 恐慌
- Have you had previous career experience? 你过去有过工作经验吗?
- Nursing is a very worthwhile career. 护理工作是很值得干的职业。