- Cardiac angst 心跳骤停
- The sense of not being wanted can set up an angst. 被摈弃的感觉会使人痛苦。
- A patient whose heart has stopped beating, as in cardiac arrest. 心脏已停止跳动的病人心脏已停止跳动的病人,如患心脏病
- Not for nothing is Angst a German word. 仅仅只是为了一个德国的词汇:不放心。
- My angst, I very angst, how to just calculate joy? 我焦虑,我很焦虑,怎样才算快乐?
- Aus Angst vor Strafe hat er zu Hause nichts gesagt. 由于怕受罚,他在家里什么也没说。
- Class spite and social angst riddle British corporate cultures. 阶层间的敌视和对社会的焦虑充斥于英国的企业文化。
- Epinephrine is a powerful cardiac stimulant. 肾上腺素是一种强效心脏兴奋药。
- Cardiac output was measured by thermo dilution. 用热稀释法测定心输出量。
- The third cardiac malposition is dextrocardia. 第三种心脏位置异常是右位心。
- Mechanisms of sepsis-induced cardiac dysfunction. 综述:脓毒症诱发心功能障碍的机制。
- Average cardiac cyclic variation of IB, ACVI. 心动周期平均变动量。
- These patients did not hae known cardiac disease. 他说:“这些病人并不知道自己有心脏病。
- Cardiac Function was measured with Simpson method. Simpson 法测定心功能。
- The condition is called cardiac arrest. 这种情况叫“心脏骤停”。
- This time, a friend appears to be creating your angst. 这个时候,一个朋友将会一起你的焦虑。
- This increased cardiac work load! 这个增加了心脏的工作负担!
- As arrogance gives way to angst, America is exploring what to do. 自大让位于焦虑,美国正在探索何去何从。
- Death is caused by cardiac failure. 心脏衰竭引起死亡。
- In place of angst and derangement, Iron Man was a huge romp. 不像蝙蝠侠那样满腹忧虑和狂躁不安,钢铁侠却是个十足的花花公子。