- Chinese CERs are too cheap and the carbon price is too low and too volatile. 中国的cer太过廉价,碳价格太低而且反复无常。
- The first is carbon pricing, through tax, trading or regulation, so that people pay the full social cost of their actions. 第一就是碳定价,通过税收、贸易或者是规章制度,让人们为自己的活动支付全额的社会成本。
- Its cap-and-trade system has set a carbon price and cut emissions modestly in the sectors it covers. 其“总量管制和交易”系统已经设订好了碳价格并在其涉及到的产业中适当的降低碳排放量。
- A carbon price can be established either through a tax or through a cap-and-trade system, such as the one Europe adopted after signing up to Kyoto. 碳收费既可通过税收也可经由限量与贸易系统来实现,欧洲在签署《京都议定书》后采用的正是后者。
- PointCarbon, by contrast, estimates that the carbon price under the sort of cap-and-trade bill the president envisages will be roughly $13 a tonne. 政府官员们手握巨额资金,因而要广泛地选择项目,进行遍地撒网投资。
- On the first argument, if America establishes a carbon price, an energy-intensive industry such as aluminium would very likely choose to expand capacity elsewhere. 首先,如果美国确立了碳的价格,那些依赖碳的工业比如说铝工业,就会想在其他国家扩张势力。
- Just as bananas are best grown in warmer places, imposing a higher carbon price does not compel German manufacturers of capital goods to decamp to China. 正如香蕉在较为温暖的地方生长的比较好,强加一个较高的碳排放价格不会迫使德国制造商的生产资料逃离去中国。
- Both will lead to a higher carbon price and lower emissions, and both could be tweaked over time to produce much the same trajectory of lower emissions. 两者都会提高碳(排放)价格并减少排放量,都可能随着时间的推移而发生扭曲,从而呈现出非常相似的减排曲线。
- But the lack of an actual carbon price still keeps the cost of existing electricity down, and thus the necessary incentives in place to make Google's cheaper-than-coal equation a reality. 但是,缺乏实际的碳排价格却仍然使现有的电力成本保持低位,因此需要落实必要的鼓励机制,使谷歌的“比煤更便宜”的不等式成为现实。
- The only way for us to match them is by legislating a rising carbon price along with efficiency and renewable standards that will stimulate massive private investment in clean-tech. 我们能与之相抗衡的唯一办法是通过一项与能源使用效率挂钩的碳排放价格的立法,以及一个能源再生的标准,以便刺激对清洁技术的大量私人投资。
- All this is why economists continue to advocate some kind of carbon price, which would give an incentive to everyone involved in these complex supply chains to trim carbon dioxide emissions. 这正是经济学家不断提倡引进某种碳价格机制的原因所在,这种机制将激励这些复杂供应链牵涉到的每一个人积极减排。
- That has not stopped many from proposing taxes that would penalise exports from countries that benefit from low carbon prices. 这并不能阻止很多国家征税的打算,以惩处那些从低排放价格国家出口的产品。
- Liaocheng seamless business experts that the recent domestic steel prices stable, Tangshan billet market in cash transactions 150 carbon price 3300 yuan, the same price yesterday. 聊城无缝管企业相关专家了解到,近期国内钢坯价格走稳,唐山市场上150普碳方坯现金成交价格为3300元,价格与昨天持平。
- I make a carbon copy of my documents. 我用复写纸复写文件。
- Soft drinks contain carbon dioxide. 软饮料中含有二氧化碳。
- I have some carbon paper somewhere or other. 我记得我在什么地方放有复写纸。
- She's a carbon copy of her sister. 她跟她姐姐一模一样。
- The separate pricing of goods and services. 分别处理商品和服务的价格
- A copy made by using carbon paper. 复写本,副本用复写纸复印的一份
- Plants can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. 植物可以吸收二氧化碳释放氧气。