- Keywords Carassius auratus of Pengze;gynogenesis;karyotype;supernumerary chromosomes; 关键词彭泽鲫;雌核发育;染色体组型;超数染色体;
- Carassius auratus of pengze DNA含量
- Individual selection of Pengze Carassius auratus by RAPD method 用RAPD技术对彭泽鲫选育进展分析的研究
- Fourthly was the accumulation by Carassius auratus. 金鱼藻所吸附的砷量最少,基本上可以忽略不计。
- Study on antimicrobial activity and fresh-keeping effects on carassius auratus of carboxymethyl-chitosan 羧甲基壳聚糖抗菌性及其保鲜鲫鱼效果的研究
- The result showed that copper can poison Carassius auratus. 结果显示:铜离子对鲫鱼的毒性是比较大的。
- An experiment on the acute toxicity of chlorine dioxide preparation on Carassius auratus Xiangyun var. 二氧化氯制剂对湘云鲫的急性毒性试验。
- They chose a small member of carp family,Carassius auratus,better known as the goldfish. 人们选择了鲤鱼族的一个小成员,CARASSIUS AURATUS,如同金鱼一样很早就被人所熟识了。
- Influence of low-level 2,4-DCP on the antioxidant defense system in livers of Carassius auratus. 低浓度2,4-DCP对鲫鱼肝脏抗氧化防御系统的影响
- Title: Study on Toxicity and Safety of 7 Insecticides such as Fipronil on Carassius auratus (L. 关键词:急性毒性;氟虫腈;阿维菌素;鲫鱼;安全性
- The acute toxic effects of Fipronil and other insecticides on Carassius auratus(L.)were studied. 本文研究了氟虫腈等杀虫剂对鲫鱼的急性毒性作用。
- They chose a small member of carp family, Carassius auratus, better known as the goldfish. 从它开始,久而久之,人们获得了种种不同外形和色彩的观赏鱼。
- Research on the Combinative Effect of Lemon - acid and Probiotic on Growth Proporty of Carassius Auratus. 与相似的文献。
- Carassius auratus not the same chickens, sheep, dogs, venison with food, the water-heat, Yang Sheng heat of the body and are known as the food is not easy heat while the Sores. 鲫鱼不可同鸡、羊、狗、鹿肉同食,食之易生热,阳盛之体和素有内热者食之则不宜,易生热而生疮疡。
- However,the reactivations by TMB4 and L?H6 were significantly higher than that by 2-PAM-Cl in a fish(Carassius auratus). 但是对被抑制的鲫鱼的AChE来说,TMB4和L H6的重活化能力明显比2-PAM-Cl强。
- However, in the population of Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus, the colonial genetic diversity was very similar in females and males. 而在鲤、鲫群体内,雌性群体与雄性群体相比较,其各自的遗传多样性很接近。
- Karyotypes of Cyprinus carpio and Carassius auratus were studied using chromosomes of cultivated lymphocyte cells prepared by air drying technique. 摘要 本文报道鱼类外周血淋巴细胞的培养及其染色体组型分析。
- This paper studied the effect of micronuclei, nuclear anomalies and total nuclear anomalies in the peripheral blood of Carassius auratus by the copper. 研究了铜离子对鲫鱼的遗传毒害性。
- This paper studied the oxidative stress of Nitrobenzene(NB) on the liver of Carassius auratus at the molecular level of toxicity. 本文从分子毒理学水平研究了硝基苯对幼龄鲫鱼肝脏的氧化胁迫作用。
- A freshwater fish(Carassius auratus)native to eastern Asia, characteristically having brassy or reddish coloring and bred in many ornamental forms as an aquarium fish. 金鱼一种淡水鱼(金鲫鱼鲫属)原产于东亚,显著特征是颜色呈黄铜色或淡红色,被培育成各种装饰性的鱼以作水族箱用鱼