- Captain Yolles made no comment. 约里斯处长没有加以理会。
- Made no comment by way of apology. 以道歉形式末做任何评论
- She observed that he'd left but made no comment. 她看见他离去, 但未置一词。
- I made no comment on the subject. 对这个问题我不予置评。
- On this point he made no comment. 对这一点他没做任何评论。
- For my part, I made no comment of any kind. 至于我,我没有做任何评价。
- He made no comments on our proposal. 他对我们的建议没有作评论。
- Ambassador Campbell was instructed to make no comment. 坎贝尔大使接到训令不表示任何意见。
- Though her eyes narrowed fractionally, she made no comment. 尽管她稍稍眯起了眼睛,却什么也没说。
- She was blushing scarlet; she kept her head down and made no comment. 林小姐满脸通红,低了头不作声。
- Feng Yun-ching and Ho Shen-an exchanged glances but made no comment. 冯云卿和何慎庵对看了一眼,却不回答。
- Mr. Touchett made no comment upon this; he had the air of thinking that. 杜歇先生对此没有发表意见,他的神情表明他在思考。
- She was asked about a pay increase for the factory workers but made no comment. 有人问她关于给工厂工人们涨工资的事,但她没有表态。
- Sharon then mentioned the recommendation for additional task forces, but Kennedy made no comment. 沙伦接着提到增加工作小组的建议,但是肯尼迪未置可否。
- McCartney's lawyer Fiona Shackleton made no comment as she left after the decree nisi hearing. 麦卡尼的律师费奥纳沙克尔顿在暂准判令审讯后离场时,并未作出评论。
- Tu Wei-yueh asked with a sarcastic smile, making no comment on the demands. 屠维岳冷冷地微笑着说,并没回答那些要求;
- Captain Yolles wrinkled his nose at the overpowering odor of garbage. 约里斯处长闻到一股垃圾的恶臭。
- The teacher made no comments except to tell him to work hard. 老师除了叫他努力学习外,未做任何评价。
- The General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine has made no comment on KFC's cooking, but has said it will look into it. 国家食品质量监督监测机构没有对此发表任何评论,表示将对此进行调查。
- Jufer, who was shackled at the ankles and dressed in an orange prison uniform, was expressionless as the verdict was announced.He made no comment to reporters as he was ushered out of the courtroom. 脚带镣铐;身穿桔色狱服的朱佛在法庭宣判时卖弄无表情.;在被带出法庭时也没有发表任何评论