- Of, relating to, or required by canon law. 依教规的属于、关于教规或教规规定的
- A person specializing in canon law. 宗教法规学者对教规有专门研究的人
- An administrative act applying or interpreting articles of canon law. 教令实施或解释教会法律条文的管理法案
- Bachelor of Canon Law, Bachelor of Civil Law J.C.D. 民法学学士。
- Doctor of Canon Law; Doctor of Civil Law J.D. 民法学博士。
- Canon law was in decline in the tenth and early eleventh centuries. 寺院法在10世纪和11世纪初走向衰落。
- This was “not something arbitrary”, but part of long-established canon law. 禁止堕胎“并非专制”,而是根深蒂固的教会法规的一部分。
- Doctor of Canon Law. 教会法规博士
- A decree,especially a papal letter giving a decision on a point or question of canon law. 法令集法令,尤指就教会法规的某一点或某一问题作出决定的罗马教皇的信件。
- The rising of autonomy of the will related with BRIT in Christianism and developed by Canon law. 在理论上,意思自治的兴起与教会的盟约思想相关,并经教会法而发展。
- It says that under Canon Law, excommunication is automatic for ordinations without papal approval. 声明说,根据教廷法规,凡是未经教皇批准的祝圣主教都会被自动革除教籍。
- A decree, especially a papal letter giving a decision on a point or question of canon law. 法令集法令,尤指就教会法规的某一点或某一问题作出决定的罗马教皇的信件
- He approved the Dominican, Franciscan, and Carmelite orders and authorized the first official book of canon law. 他支持道明会、方济会和加尔默罗会,并批准通过第一部正式的教会法典。
- But that's exactly the interpretation arrived at by Roman Catholic scholars after examining the Bible and Canon Law. 但是在天主教会学者查阅了圣经和教会法规后终于有了准确的解释。
- While influenced by the Roman law and canon law, the English idea of corporation assimilated the German group-based idea of law. 尽管英国的法人观念深受罗马法和教会法的影响,但是日耳曼团体本位观念仍被吸收和继承下来。
- Of late, Chaldean has been added to the list of Rites, being formally cited as such in the CCEO or Eastern Code of Canon Law. 后来,迦勒底也被列入为一种礼仪,就如同在 东方教会法规 或 教会法的东方法典 里,被正式的引用。
- As a matter of fact, the pope remits to souls in purgatory no penalty which, according to canon law, they should have paid in this life. 如同事实上的事情,教宗赦免涤罪中的灵魂无罪,因根据教义上的法规,他们应已在生命中付出代价。
- Of or relating to any of several Eastern Christian churches that are in communion with the Roman Catholic Church but retain their own languages,rites,and codes of canon law. 东仪天主教会的属于或有关一种东方基督教教派的,他与罗马天主教徒的教派交流,但保持他们自己的语言、礼拜式和教会法规的礼教习俗。
- He was excommunicated because he violated canonical law. 他因违反教规被革出教派。
- Of or relating to any of several Eastern Christian churches that are in communion with the Roman Catholic Church but retain their own languages, rites, and codes of canon law. 东仪天主教会的属于或有关一种东方基督教教派的,他与罗马天主教徒的教派交流,但保持他们自己的语言、礼拜式和教会法规的礼教习俗