- Cancellaria spirata Lamarckn. 高塔核螺(核螺超科;核螺科)
- As a biologist, Lamarck was equal to Darwin. 作为生物学家,拉马克与达尔文旗鼓相当。
- Lamarck made an intuitive guess about the biosphere and again was prescient. (7)拉马克凭直觉推演生物圈,而且具有先见之明。
- With the advent of Mendelian genetics and the later discovery of DNA, Lamarck's ideas fell out of favor entirely. 随着孟德尔遗传学的出现以及后来的DNA的发现,拉马克的观点受到完全的质疑。
- Sinonovacula constricta (Lamarck), a kind of mollusks, is important in marine aquaculture. 缢蛏(Sinonovaculaconstricta,Lamarck)历来是我国沿海重要的经济养殖贝类。
- Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck can not only spend the summer but also glow in Pingtan county. 紫贻贝在平潭岛黄岐屿海区不仅能渡夏,还能生长。
- P. de Candolle, in Lamarck & A.P. de Candolle, 1815) H.G.L.Reichenbach, 1828, nom. corr. 听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 Genus Chaenorhinum (A.
- As a biologist, Lamarck was particularly interested in single-celled organisms and invertebrates. 作为一名博物学家,拉马克对单细胞生物和无脊椎动物尤为感到好奇。
- Aim To develop the truss topology optimizing program by refering to the biology hypothesis of Lamarck. 目的初探用进废退思想在桁架拓扑优化设计中的应用,开发相应的优化程序并用算例进行验证。
- This is a vindication of sorts for 18th century naturalist Jean Baptiste Lamarck. 这有一个勉强的例子可以为18世纪的博物学家JeanBaptisteLamarck辩护一下。
- Lamarck, suggesting that species modified themselves by adapting to their environment in an intentional way. Lamarck)相似的演化观点,认为物种演变是有目的地适应环境的结果。
- Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck) is one of the sixteen invasive species firstly published in China. 摘要福寿螺是中国首批公布的16种重要外来入侵物种之一。
- Since there wasn't a shred of scientific evidence to support Lamarck's claims at the time, his observations were not influential. 但因为当时没有一丝一毫的科学根据的支持,拉马克的言论并不具有影响力。
- The effects of temperature and moisture on the survival for Bay Scallop Argopecten irradians Lamarck juvenile have been studied in the lab. 在实验室条件下,研究了温度和湿度对海湾扇贝苗存活的影响;
- Lamarck, whose writings on evolution predated Charles Darwin's, believed that evolution was driven in part by the inheritance of acquired traits. Lamarck,他比CharlesDarwin还要早的提出进化论,认为生物进化是由它们后天获得遗传特征所推动。
- Lamarck thought there was an inherent progressive tendency driving organisms continuously towards greater complexity, in parallel but separate lineages with no extinction. 拉马克认为有一种内在的进步倾向驱使生物体不断向更大的复杂性发展,以平行但是分离的谱系向前发展,不会绝种消亡。
- It is a continually evolving theoretical sequence about evolution phenomenon in universe from Lamarck's evolutionism,Darwinism, ID theory to life information evolutionism. 从拉马克进化论、达尔文主义、ID论,到生命信息进化论,是一个不断“进化着”的关于宇宙中进化现象的理论序列。
- In addition to Darwin's Theory, students are encouraged to explore other explanations on evolution such as that of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Sir Alfred Russel Wallace. 但美国例子显示,智慧设计论者并不会就此罢手。
- The Bay scallop, Argopecten irradians (Lamarck), has served as a primary cultured speciesin north China since it was introduced from the United States in 1982 (Zhang FS et al. 海湾扇贝自1982年引入我国以来,已成为我国北方海区重要的养殖贝类。
- Research on epigenetics, while yet to uncover anything as dramatic as Lamarck's giraffes, does suggest that acquired traits can be heritable, and that Lamarck was not so wrong after all. 表观遗传学的研究,像拉马克的长颈鹿一样揭示某些东西,的确表明后天获得特征能够被遗传,并且拉马克不会再蒙冤。