- Canaliculitis lacrimal 泪小管炎
- Lacrimal gland origin is very rare. 临床上以泪腺为源发器官者十分罕见。
- Conclusion: Lacrimal sac tumors are rare. 接下来两年多的追踪,肿瘤没有再复岭。
- Are accessory lacrimal glands innervated? 副泪腺有神经支配吗?
- Lacrimal gland of youth seem to be particularly well-developed. 青春的泪腺似乎特别发达。
- Ifthe bony lacrimal passages were intact,mucosal lacri-mal passa... 结论鼻侧切开术中正确处理泪道,可提高患者生活质量。
- Purpose: To report a rare case of primary lymphoma of the lacrimal sac. 摘要目的:报导一个少见的泪囊原发性淋巴瘤之病例。
- Objective To analyze clinical features and causes of lacrimal fistula. 目的分析泪道(?)管的临床特征和形成原因。
- And observed condition of unobstruction of lacrimal canalicular tube. 随访观察泪道通畅情况。
- The lacrimal gland can not be palpated any more and no one recurred. 结果术后患者的外观均得到了改善,泪腺不再触及,无一例复发。
- Proliferation of lymphocytes in lacrimal and salivary glands may cause bilateral painless enlargement. 泪腺和唾液腺淋巴细胞增生,可引起两侧腺体无痛性肿大。
- OBJECTIVE:To assess the lacrimal pharmacokinetic difference of fraxin in eye drops,rapid release film(RRF) and sustained release film(SRF). 目的:为了解滴眼液、速释眼膜和缓释眼膜中秦皮苷在兔泪液中的药物动力学差别。
- During external dacryocystorhinostomy, a soft tissue mass was visualized in the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct incidentally. 经泪管冲洗检查,回流出许多黏液脓状物,在经诊断为左侧鼻泪管阻塞并发泪囊炎下安排病人进行泪囊鼻腔造屡术。
- Purpose: To report two cases of rare primary lacrimal sac tumor-one of inverted papilloma and the other of hemangiopericytoma. 摘要目的:提出两例罕见的上皮性和非上皮性泪囊肿瘤报告。
- Objective To evaluate clinical effect of lacrimal duct dru g irrigation after lacrimal duct plasty by laser. 目的 评价激光泪道成形术后泪道灌注药物与泪道插管的临床效果。
- Neoplasia, trauma and inflammation of the lacrimal sac and nasolacrimal duct can be clearly displayed with CT scans. 泪道占位、外伤和炎症均可在CT片上明确显示,利于诊断。
- Methods: 23 patients of lacrimal duct obstruction underwent ECI and washing with MMC and Chymotrypsin. 方法:对23例泪道阻塞患者给以硬膜外导管插管加丝裂霉素C及糜蛋白酶冲洗治疗。
- Objective To remedy lacrimal hypersecretion by procaine blocking lacrimal gland . 目的利用普罗卡因封闭泪腺治疗泪液分泌过多症。
- Then a lacrimal probe was used to probe the ducts from lacrimal puncta to lower nasal cavity along its' trend. 之后,以探针从泪小点进针,沿泪道走行直达下鼻道。
- Objective To find out the effect of tobradex ointment in laser lacryocystoplasty of lacrimal duel obstruction. 目的探讨典必殊眼膏在激光泪道成形术中的作用。