- Canadian Forces Air Command 加拿大部队空军司令部
- Canadian Forces Air Defense Command 加拿大部队防空司令部
- Canadian Forces Air Navigation School 加拿大部队航空导航学校
- The Strategic Air Command's strikingforce consists of medium bombers. 战略空军司令部的攻击力量全靠中型轰炸机。
- World War II: Battle of Normandy - British and Canadian forces capture Caen, France. 1944年的今天,诺曼底战役中,英军和加拿大军队占领了法国的卡昂。
- Omaha: Home of the Strategic Air Command, a very important city in the US. 奥马哈:战略空军司令部所在地,美国一个非常重要的城市。
- Yuke Bomber Air Command, get with it. Clean up the sky for us already. 制空机,跟上。早点为我们清除天空。(英文翻译不到位,日文原意是制空机)
- Solvents are used in forced air stream cleaning. 溶剂应用于强制气流清洗。
- British and Canadian forces in Helmand and Kandahar provinces respectively have been hard-pressed since 2006. 最重要的是,在阿富汗南方增强北约军队犹豫不决的军事努力。
- In 1837 Canadian forces attacked a U.S.ship of that name,killed one of its passengers,set it on fire and then cast it adrift just above Niagara Falls. 1837年加拿大军队攻击了美国船只"卡罗琳"号,杀死其中一名乘客,放火烧船后任由它在尼亚加拉瀑布上游漂泊。
- Canadian Air Force Air Defense Command 加拿大空军防空司令部
- Headquarters Canadian Forces Communication Command 加拿大武装部队通信司令部总部
- Elite forces and emergency response teams from all over the world train at the Canada Forces Base in Suffield. 这里是加拿大莎菲德军事基地,由美迪辛哈向西北开车半小时就到了,世界各地许多特种部队与紧急应变小组,都到这里受训。
- Canadian Tactical Air Command Headquarters 加拿大战术空军司令部总部
- EPLRS has been in production since 1986 and has been fielded by all four branches of the U.S. military as well as Canadian forces. EPLRS是从1986年开始生产的,现在已经装备给美国所有军兵种以及加拿大的部队。
- Forced air systems send heated air through ductwork. 机械通风通过管道系统来输送热空气。
- A unit of a European air command, as in France during World War I, typically containing six aircraft. 飞行小分队欧洲空军司令部的组成单位,例如在一战中的法国,通常由6架飞机组成
- Canadian Forces Maritime Command 加拿大部队海上司令部
- A series of flues in a brick kiln designed to force air down from the top. 气流烟道为强使气流从上部流到下方而设计的装在砖窑里的一系列烟道
- They were due to be transferred to the RAF's air command headquarters at High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. 这些硬盘本来是要送往白金汉郡海威科姆的皇家空军司令总部。