- Canadian Coastal Radar 加拿大海岸雷达
- The Canadian Coast Guard was part of a mission to explore the sunken wreckage of the H.M.S. 意译:一艘涂上红色的破冰船是加拿大海岸警卫队的破冰船跋涉通过结冰的北极样的加拿大西北部地域。
- Celestial skies stream light onto a Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker as it cuts a trail through a frozen expanse of Arctic Ocean in Canada's Northwest Territories. 位于加拿大西北海域的冰冷而宽阔的北冰洋上,天空中一缕缕阳光洒射到加拿大海岸警卫队的破冰船上,并在冰封的的海面上留下了它的痕迹。
- A smear of red in a desert of pale ice, the Canadian Coast Guard icebreaker Labrador trudges through the frozen landscape of the Arctic Ocean in Canada's Northwest Territories. 苍白冰漠中的一抹红色,图中为在加拿大西北的北冰洋领海中艰苦前进的加拿大海岸巡逻队的破冰船拉布拉多号。
- Because of this peculiarity of theirs, as they pass the Canadian coasts, the icebergs seem to be mirrored by this land. 当冰山经过加拿大时,它的这种特性似乎映射到了这片土地上,与冰山一样,地面上的加拿大也像冰山迷人亮丽的顶部。
- over-the-Horizon Backscatter West Coast Radar System 超视距后向散射西海岸雷达系统
- They picked up the yacht on their radar screen. 他们在雷达屏上看到了那艘游艇。
- The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased. 沿海鱼的数量已减少了。
- The radar scanned the sky for enemy planes. 雷达密切监视天空,搜索敌机。
- He died in a shipwreck off the south coast. 他在南部海岸一带的海难中死亡。
- The watchtower followed the aircraft by radar. 瞭望塔通过雷达追踪这架飞机的行踪。
- The Queen is making a private visit to Canada. 女王正对加拿大进行私人访问。
- The land flattens out near the coast. 海岸附近地势变得很平坦。
- Liberals sweep to victory in divided Canada. 加国选举,自由党大获全胜。
- Now you can start to coast down the slope. 你现在可以开始顺坡向下滑行了。
- Enemy ships were detected on the radar screen. 敌舰的影像已显现在雷达(屏幕)上。
- Is the coastal plain good for farming? 沿岸平原适宜耕种吗?
- The signal was picked up by a downrange radar station. 该信号被试验飞行方向之内的雷达站收到了。
- The actor coast ed to stardom on his father's name. 那位男演员靠父亲的名誉一帆风顺地成了明星。
- He spent his adult life in Canada. 他在加拿大度过了他的成年时期。