- Came So Far For Beauty 距离美丽很遥远
- What have been the highlights so far for you? 目前对你们来说最精彩的是哪次?
- I can see she is a woman of her word. Most people would have made this weather an excuse not to come so far to visit a grumpy old man. 可以看出她是个守信用的人。遇到这种天气,大多人会以此为借口,不来看望一个脾气不好的老人。
- I deeply appreciate your kindness in coming so far to meet me. 有劳远迎。
- Even though the team managed only a fourth placing,a warm sense of pride fills the heart because it came so far where no one had expected. 韩国队最终在排名赛中获得第四名。但是,大家心里依然充满自豪感。在赛前,根本没有人预料韩国队会打入四强。
- Raelag Hear me out! I would not have come so far, leading an army, if I did not have a good reason. 请听我说!如果没有充分的理由,我不会率部不远万里来到这里。
- Even though the team managed only a fourth placing, a warm sense of pride fills the heart because it came so far where no one had expected. 韩国队最终在排名赛中获得第四名。但是,大家心里依然充满自豪感。在赛前,根本没有人预料韩国队会打入四强。
- That was Flint's treasure that we bad come so far to seek, and that had cost already the lives of seventeen men from the Hispaniola. 那就是我们千里迢迢来寻找的福林特的财主,西斯潘尼奥拉号上十六个人为此断送了性命。
- But having come so far she was determined not to turn back.She ambled along the path, picking the occasional berry, enthusiasm gone. 她沿着小路缓慢前行,不时采摘着一些浆果,但兴致已然全无。
- Not both the artists have a keen eye for beauty. 这两位艺术家并非都有审美的眼光。
- America, we have come so far. 美国,我们已经来到了今天。
- There is no absolute standard for beauty. 美是没有绝对的标准的。
- None of the miscreant programs released so far for smartphones capitalize on the devices' ability to send e-mail. 目前已经出现的智慧型手机恶意程式,并未使用到手机上的电子邮件功能,但这只是时间问题。
- He has no real feeling for beauty. 他缺少真正的美感。
- Overall, it would be an understatement to say that this has not been a good year so far for Sino-Pakistani ties. 总体而言,如果有人说今年不是中巴关系的好年头,这也是可理解的。
- So far the search for the missing boy has been fruitless. 到目前为止,还没有找到那失踪的男孩。
- So far there is no magic bullet for economic woes. 到目前为止还没有解决经济困难的妙法。
- If you ask me what the best gift you have received so far for Christmas, my answer is the excellent work from dear guru and dear icepoint. 围绕着这两个“半幅”名画,百多年的人事变迁、几代人的爱恨情仇跃然纸上,张洁的笔墨甚至上溯到1700多年前的西晋,顺手还给那个史上臭名昭著的极权女人贾南风“平了反”。
- Policy tweaks have been the order of the day so far for the Chinese government, as the economic recovery puts down stronger roots. 随着中国经济复苏势头进一步得到确立,中国政府当前的议事日程一直是政策微调。
- This bird cannot be paralled for beauty. 这鸟的美丽是无与伦比的。