- Calymmodon asiaticusn. 短叶荷包蕨
- Effect of Killing Oedaleus Asiaticus Nymphae Using Laser[J]. 引用该论文 姚明印;周强;牛虎力.
- Grasshopper(Oedaleus asiaticus)is a vicious pest both to the grass and crops of northern China. 摘要亚洲小车蝗是我国北方草原和毗邻农田的重要害虫。
- L. asiaticus from the five Rutaceae plants were 97.2%-100% similar to that of Ca. 分析结果表明,这五种芸香科植物黄龙病病原16S rDNA基因对应片段与柑桔黄龙病病原亚洲种的相似性为97.;2%25-100%25;
- The coding region of Oedaleus asiaticus EPV spheroidin gene was obtained by PCR, and this fragment was subsequently cloned, sequenced and analyzed. 通过PCR扩增,获得OaEPV球状体蛋白基因编码区序列,并进行克隆、测序。
- Some characteristics of morphology and DNA were compared between CiEPV and Oedaleus asiaticus EPV (OaEPV) reported previously. 最后 ,本文又将此意大利蝗痘病毒与已报道的亚洲小车蝗痘病毒的部分形态发生学和DNA特性作了比较。
- A proposal was also raised for development and culture of mandarin fish, snakehead, rice field eel, freshwater shrimp, Acipnser sinensis, Myxocyprinus asiaticus. 建议开发养殖鳜、乌鳢、黄鳝、青虾、中华鲟、胭脂鱼等,引进匙吻鲟、大口胭脂鱼等,并加快良种产业化开发。
- Eutamias asiaticus Gmel. [医] 金花鼠
- chinese sucker Myxocyprinus asiaticus (Bleeker) 长江胭脂鱼
- T. quinquecostatus var. asiaticus 亚洲变种
- Oedaleus asiaticus entomopoxvirus (OaEPV) 亚洲小车蝗痘病毒
- Propagation and seed culture of Myxocyprinus asiaticus 胭脂鱼人工繁殖和鱼苗培育初步研究
- Preliminary Study on the Enhancing Factor of Oedaleus asiaticus Entomopoxvirus 亚洲小车蝗痘病毒增效因子的初步研究
- Calymmodon gracilisn. 疏毛荷包蕨
- Effects of foraging by different instar and density of Oedaleus asiaticus B.Bienko on forage yield 不同龄期及密度亚洲小车蝗取食对牧草产量的影响
- Calymmodonn. 荷包蕨属
- artificial propagation of the Chinese sucker ( Myxocypri nus asiaticus) in the downstreams of Gezhouba Hydroelectric Project . Acta Hydrobiol . [余志堂,邓中,蔡明艳,邓昕,姜华,易继舫,田家元1988葛洲坝下游胭脂鱼的繁殖生物学和人
- Anopheles asiaticus groupn. 亚洲按蚊种团
- Haemaphysalis asiaticus 亚洲血蜱