- Calligraphy Thinking in Images 书法形象思维
- The painting can change the abstract thinking is the thinking in images, grasps the physical process precisely. 画图能够变抽象思维为形象思维,更精确地掌握物理过程。
- People who are good at thinking in images usually work with consecution and high efficiency. 形象思维能力强的人,其工作的条理性更强,办事更有效。
- The dialectic of thinking in images re-sults in aesthetic freedom on the one hand and free personality cultivated by means of individualized per-ceptual images on the other hand. 形象思维的辩证法既产生了审美的自由,又以个性化的感性形象为手段,培养了自由个性;
- Strengthening the study of foreign languages is helpful for us to increase the ability of thinking in images and explore the potential of our left-brain. 加强语言的学习,可以帮助我们更有效的提高形象思维能力,更大限度的开发左脑所具有的潜能。
- Guo Xiang's ontology of "individualization" is not a theory or methodology of logical analysis, but an overt and phenomenal realm, which calls for thinking in images. 郭象的“独化”本体论实质上并不是一种逻辑分析式的理论和方法,而是一种显现、现象性的境域,它需要的是象性思维。
- According to Feng Qi, aesthetic freedom is possible becaruse there is dialectic of thinking in images, and the Jingang nu mu, as a special aesthetic form, is possible too becaruse there is the principle of humanity. 冯契以为,由于有了形象思维的辩证法,审美的自由是可能的; 由于有了人道原则,作为特殊审美形态的金刚怒目也是可能的。
- Teachers should not only have the abstract thought and the thinking in images,but also inspiration thought and intuition thought during their teaching. 在教学过程中既要具备抽象思维和形象思维的能力, 还要具备灵感思维和直觉思维的能力。
- The thesis makes a research on the applying ComputerAssisted Instruction (CAJ) and Demonstration ExPeriment Teaching to fOster TheAbility on Physically SPatial Thinking in Images (APSTI) of students in theelectrOmagntic teaching of general physics. 文章针对普通物理电磁学教学中,应用计算机辅助教学和演示实验教学,在培养学生的物理空间形象思维能力的过程进行了研究。
- The content of mathematical thinking in images, we deem, includes two closely条inked sections: graph image and schema image. 笔者认为,数学形象思维的内容主要包括紧密联系的两部分:图形意象和图式意象。
- Though idealized method is an logical one, it is the combination of thinking in image and abstract thinking. 理想化方法为逻辑方法,但却是形象思维与抽象思维的结合。
- Carry on simple reasoning according to specific situation, promote thinking in image in pace with logical thinking development, Form the good thinking habit. 根据特定的情境进行简单的推理,促进形象思维与逻辑思维的同步发展,养成良好的思维习惯。
- He told us to try and think in English. 他让我们试着用英文思考。
- To learn English well one has to learn to think in English at every turn. 要学好英语就要处处学习用英语思考。
- Only a prize idiot would think in this way. 如果这样想,那就是第一号的傻子。
- Original Manuscript, Works and Thinking in Images 本文·作品·形象思维
- We must emancipate our thinking in a bold way. 我们必须大胆解放思想。
- On Thinking in Images in the Layout of Newspaper 版面构成中的形象思维问题
- The Essence and Feature of Thinking in Images 论形象思维的实质与特征
- Multi-Paradigm Thinking in Design Patterns. 设计模式的多范型思考。