- Callicarpa longissima(Hemsl.)Merr. 长叶紫珠
- Callicarpa longissima Merr. 长叶紫珠
- Callicarpae longissiman. 尖尾枫
- Callicarpa bodinieri Levl.var.giraldii Rehd. 老鸦糊
- Callicarpa bodinieri Levl.var.giraldii(Rehd.)Rehd. 老鸦糊
- Callicarpa giraldii Hesse ex Rehd. 老鸦糊
- Callicarpa loureiri Hook.et Arn. 长叶紫珠
- Callicarpa nudiflora Hook.et Arn. 裸花紫珠
- Brontispa longissima Gestro, important quarantine insect, was recorded in Coco. 其中还发现属于检疫对象的椰心叶甲为害椰树。
- Dodder and Uanea longissima have been the objects intoned by literati since very early time. 摘要兔丝、女萝是古代诗歌中常见的植物,很早就成为文人咏颂的对象。
- Study on the Method of Determining the Content and Extraction and Antiseptic Affecting of Usnic Acid in Usnea Longissima Ach. 长松萝中松萝酸含量测定方法和提取工艺及防腐研究
- According to our preliminary investigation, the hosts on which U. longissima grows belong to 11 families 17 genera 18 species, mainly Abies georgei . 其生长基物种类繁多,经调查初步确定长松萝着生基物分属11科17属18种,但主要以急尖长苞冷杉(Abies georgei)为主要着生基物。
- Observation on microscope structures of the leaves of ten species of Callicarpa (Verbenaceae). 十种紫珠属植物(马鞭草科)叶的显微观察.
- The field bioassay of 4 trunk injection insecticides(14% Imidacloprid+DDVP,4.5%Imidacloprid,2%Abamectin and 30%DDVP+omethoate) was conducted against Brontispa longissima. 利用14%25吡虫啉.;敌敌畏注干液剂、4
- Et Am. can increase carbon clearance in mice, which suggest Callicarpa nudiflora Hook.Et Am. has the function of immunologic enhancement. 裸花紫珠能增加小鼠碳粒廓清指数,表明其可增强机体免疫能力。
- The paper reports the species geographical distrubition herbal records and curative effect of medicinal plant of Callicarpa in Jiangxi province. 介绍了江西省紫珠属药用植物种类、地理分布、本草记载、临床疗效等。
- Methods Use the Vaseline and Fluid Olefin as the base to prepare the Folium Callicarpa Nudiflora Ointment.Adopt UV-VIS to determine the contents of Flavones. 方法以凡士林、液体石腊为软膏基质制备裸花紫珠软膏,采用紫外一可见分光光度法测定总黄酮含量。
- Usnea longissima Ach. 长松萝
- Method: Treat 115 patients diagnosed as chronic simple and hypertrophic pharyngitis with oral taking of Callicarpa nudiflora Tablets and make clinical observation. 方法:对115例诊断为慢性单纯性及肥厚性咽炎的患者,应用裸花紫珠片口服治疗并进行临床疗效观察。
- Objective Prepared the Folium Callicarpa Nudiflora Ointment, carried out the content determination of key components and examination of the preparation stability on partial items. 目的制备裸花紫珠软膏,并对主要成分进行含量测定,其制剂稳定性进行了部分项目的考察。