- What's the last letter in your call sign? 你呼号的最后一个字母是什么?
- Call sign, All are raise your right fists. 呼号,请大家举起右拳
- Station callings Tower say again your call sign. 呼叫塔台的电台,重复一下你的呼号。
- Ham radio call sign on-line, indexed by call, name; and address. 无线电爱好者的电台呼叫信号一般是以呼号、姓名和地址来索引的。
- My call sign is not BG0 AAA, the last leter is I, like India. Bravo Golf Zero Alfa Alfa India, Do you roger? 对不起。因为其它电台干扰,没有抄上你的呼号,请慢慢地重复。
- I'm sorry I didn't copy your call sign because of QR-Mike please give me another call slowly. 对不起。因为其它电台干扰,没有抄上你的呼号,请慢慢地重复。
- Speak clearly and slowly, especially when giving your call sign to someone you have never worked before. 讲话清楚缓慢,特别在向陌生火腿报你的呼号的时候;
- Every night at the same hour the boys sent out their call signs. 每晚在同一时刻,那些男孩子发出呼叫信号。
- XK beacon is very unsteady. It does not work properly. There is a call sign, but it is swinging, our ADF is swinging all. XK导航台工作不稳定,根本没有工作。有信号但摆动。我们的ADF一直在摆动。
- My call sign is not BG0AAA, the last leter is I, like India. Bravo Golf Zero Alfa Alfa India, Do you roger? 对不起。因为其它电台干扰,没有抄上你的呼号,请慢慢地重复。
- At the conclusion of our interview, Mr Lee presented me with a CRSA world map depicting all the call sign areas of the world. 在谈话结束前,李给我们出示了一张CRSA的世界地图,标明有世界各地呼号的分布。
- The radio call sign for aircraft used to transport the president of the United States. Any aircraft used to carry the president is referred to as Air Force One. 无线电呼叫代码,专指美国总统专机。任何载有美国总统的飞机都叫空军一号。
- Northwest Airlines Call sign used by someone, airport made every effort to get someone to respond to incident site and the ACC. Northwest not participating. 有人使用了西北航空公司的呼叫代码,机场利用各种途径寻找人员前往事故现场和机场指挥中心。但西北航空公司并未参加。
- This is a common procedure for commercial aircrafts and involves giving them your call sign,transponder code, type of aircraft, and points of origin and destination. 对于商业航空器来说是很正常的规程,他们需要汇报航班呼号、讯答机代码、飞行器类型、始发地/目的地信息。
- An example of a memory set could be the call signs of all aircraft currently in your sector. 如记忆背景可能是当前在你扇区的飞机的航班号。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- Again,we are most likely to make such mistakes when what we expect to hear is only slightly different from what should be heard (as with similar call signs). 当我们所听到的与我们所希望听到的存在细微的差别时(如相似的航班号),我们也经常会犯错误。
- Donna call on her friend kita for a chat. 多娜到她的朋友莉塔家闲谈。
- Forgive me so early to call up you please. 请原谅我这么早给你打电话。