- Calibration before launch 射前标定
- Debug a spacecraft before launch; debug a computer program. 发射前排除航天机故障; 排除程序中的错误
- The strakes would be difficult to remove before launch. 整流罩很难在发射前去掉。
- What is the name of the hydraulic lock that secures a Viper in place before launch? 在起飞前固定毒蛇机的液压闸叫什么名字?
- Ans: It is better to do calibration before you start scanning any business cards, it could ensure you obtain a better quality image of the business card. 答:第一次扫描名片之前,最好先做扫描仪校准,这样能确保扫描名片时获得最好的图像质量。
- The team validated the in-orbit signals, which met expectations and correlated with ground tests before launch. 该小组确认了在轨信号符合预期的目标,并且与发射前进行的地面测试相符。
- Before launch the sale plan,we should go on a fishing expedition to the potential of the market. 在实施此项销售计划之前,我们必须先试探一下目标市场的潜力。
- I'm hopeful that both will stay in, but one of them might be tweeked a bit before launch. 我们希望这两个都能保持在游戏里,但是其中一个将在午饭前被微调。
- Pressure gauge must be appraised and calibrated before usage. 仪表在使用之前,必须检定和校准。
- It took over one year to evolve a proper community structure. Creators should grow their online communities well before launch. 建立一个正常工作的社区结构用了超过一年的时间。
- The independent panel also found "heavy use of alcohol" before launch - within the standard 12-hour "bottle-to-throttle" rule, the magazine reported. 独立调查小组还发现,"重使用酒精,"以前发射的标准,12小时的"瓶-油门"的规则,该杂志报导。
- They use liquid fuel, which is stored separately for safety and needs to be time-consumingly transferred to a missile before launch. 由于这种导弹使用液体燃料,为了安全需分多级存放,因此在发射前就需要花费大量时间组装。
- There is always a countdown before launching a rocket. 在发射火箭前总有一段倒计时。
- Note: Samurai Empire is still being play tested and balanced. Some of the special abilities might change before launch day. 镜像可以作出战斗的姿态,但它们不会对敌人造成实质的伤害。
- All measuring instruments must be calibrated before leaving the factory. 一切计量器都必须校对合格才可以出厂。
- The missile was fueled within the protection of its silo, and was raised to the launch position through doors at the top of the silo just minutes before launch. 导弹在其发射井的保护下加燃料,并在发射前几分钟通过发射井顶端的舱门升至发射位置。
- Mr auction was purchased in the residential Chilian Mountain Road South. a "Jinsha Carnival" event last July before launch, as the intermediary tripartite contracts signed, yet less than one year. 王先生购买的该住宅位于祁连山南路,属于“金沙嘉年华”楼盘,去年7月才交房,截至三方居间合同签署时,尚不足一年。
- As a matter of fact, I've never been there before. 事实上我从未到过那儿。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- Before launching the battle, we gave the reactionary Nanjing government one last chance to reconsider. 我们发动战斗以前,曾经给过反动的南京国民党政府最后考虑的时间。