- Calanthe tsoongianan. 无距虾脊兰
- Calanthe discolor Lindl. 虾脊兰属
- Calanthe masuca var. sinensis [pink calanthe] 粉红虾脊兰
- ) Ames[Orchis triplicata Willem.;Calanthe veratrifolia (Willd.)R. 拉丁植物动物矿物名:Calanthe triplicata (Willem.
- In vitro Propagation of Calanthe argenteo-striata C. Z. Tang et S. J. Cheng 银带虾脊兰的离体繁殖
- A study on the optimum medium of Calanthe rubenus under in vitro seed germination 虾脊兰种子胚培养的最适培养基研究
- Appreciate the Dendrobium,Calanthe,Phalaenopsis,Vanda,Cattleya,Cymbibium,Wild &etc Orchids 石斛、兔耳兰、虾脊兰、蝴蝶兰,野生兰等其它兰类兰属植物的欣赏与鉴别。
- any of various showy orchids of the genus Calanthe having white or yellow or rose-colored flowers and broad leaves folded lengthwise 虾脊兰属,任何一种艳丽的兰花,花白色、黄色或玫瑰色,叶宽,纵向折叠
- any of various showy orchids of the genus Calanthe having white or yellow or rose-colored flowers and broad leaves folded lengthwise. 虾脊兰属任何一种艳丽的兰花,花白色、黄色或玫瑰色,叶宽,纵向折叠。
- Pertya tsoongianan. 巫山帚菊
- Calanthen. 虾脊兰属
- Calanthe actinomorphan. 辐射虾脊兰
- Calanthe alismaefolian. 泽泻虾脊兰
- Calanthe biloban. 二裂虾脊兰
- Calanthe davidiin. 剑叶虾脊兰
- Calanthe odoran. 香花虾脊兰
- Calanthe sylvatican. 长距虾脊兰
- Calanthe trifidan. 裂距虾脊兰
- Calanthe triplicatan. 三褶虾脊兰
- Sect. Calanthen. 虾脊兰组