- Cajanus crassusn. 虫豆
- Flavonoids from Cajanus cajan L. 木豆黄酮类成分的研究
- Marcus Licinius Crassus:Do you eat snails? 马库斯:你吃蜗牛吗?
- Marcus Licinius Crassus:Do you eat oysters? 马库斯:你吃牡蛎吗?
- Crassus decided to bring down the Parthian Empire - a fatal choice. 克拉苏决定去打败帕提亚王国.
- After Crassus' death (53), Pompey and Caesar fell out. 克拉苏死后(西元前53年),庞培与凯撒发生冲突。
- Crassus, ever eager for military glory, went to his post in Syria. 但是这样一些待遇引起了罗马人对她的不满。
- Marcus Licinius Crassus:Of course not. It is all a matter of taste, isn't it? 马库斯:当然不是。它们都是嗜好,不是吗?
- Changes in Apigenin and Luteolin Contents during Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. 木豆种子萌发和幼苗生长过程中的芹菜素与木犀草素含量变化
- In 61 he formed the First Triumvirate with Julius Caesar and Marcus Licinius Crassus. 西元前61年与凯撒和克拉苏形成三头政治。
- Marcus Licinius Crassus:My robe, Antoninus. My taste includes both snails and oysters. 马库斯:我的安东尼努斯。我的嗜好包括蜗牛和牡蛎。
- Marcus Licinius Crassus:And taste is not the same as appetite, and therefore not a question of morals. 马库斯:而且嗜好和欲望不一样,所以不存在道德问题。
- There was a stalemate near Phalanna involving Perseus and the aforementiond Publius Licinius Crassus. 在此同时,珀尔修斯在伊利里亚对抗另一支罗马军队。
- Marcus Licinius Crassus:Do you consider the eating of oysters to be moral and the eating of snails to be immoral? 马库斯:你想过吃牡蛎就合情合理,吃蜗牛就违反道德吗?
- The survivors of Crassus's legion became a mystery, walking ghosts in Roman legends. 克拉苏的军团的幸存者成了一个谜;罗马历史上不散的幽灵.
- Slave revolt led by Spartacus suppressed by the consuls Pompey the Great and Crassus. 西元前71年71 斯巴达克斯领导的奴隶起义遭到执政官庞培与克拉苏镇压。
- BC The Parthians defeat a Roman army under Crassus at Carrhae. Crassus has molten gold poured down his throat by his captors. 帕提亚人在卡雷战役中击败了克拉苏的罗马军团,俘获者把熔化的黄金灌进克拉苏的口中。
- In 54 BC Marcus Licinius Crassus plundered the Temple. It was rebuilt and enlarged by Herod the Great; construction lasted 46 years. 公元前54年克拉苏掠夺圣殿宝物。犹太国王希律重修并扩建了圣殿,耗时四十六年之久。
- A tropical African shrub (Cajanus cajan) of the pea family, having trifoliolate leaves, yellow or orange flowers, hairy pods, and small edible seeds. 木豆:热带非洲一种豆科灌木(木豆木豆属),具有带三小叶的叶片、呈黄色或桔黄色的花、多毛豆荚以及小而可食的种子
- Parthian mounted archers proved a match for Roman legions, as in the Battle of Carrhae in which the Parthian General Surena defeated Crassus of Rome. 帕提亚安在马背上的弓箭手被证实可以与罗马军团相配匹。在卡雷的战役中,帕拉亚的将军苏莱纳击败了罗马的克拉苏。